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  • GA: Stop It
    GA: Stop Acting So Pompous
    GA: Because If You Do
    GA: Youll Fuel Me Up With Anger
    GA: And I Will Find A Way To Get Revenge
    GA: So Stop It If You Want To Avoid Pain
    GA: Now

    If I had the guts to, there'd be swearing by this point.
    GA: You
    GA: Seem To Have More Luck Than Me
    GA: But Ill Get You
    GA: Somehow
    Oh shoot, I forgot about that. DARNIT

    GA: Well
    GA: I Could Still Cause You
    GA: Pain
    GA: Isnt That Right

    Good idea xD Hmm.

    GA: Exactly
    GA: Its Obvious
    GA: Remember
    GA: Im A Rainbow Drinker
    GA: And Im Watching You
    GA: Ive Got My Eyes On You
    Er...delete yours, then repost it after? (Use Ctrl+V to save it as a copied piece of text)
    GA: Well
    GA: Knowing You Vriska
    GA: You Would Try To Pull That Card Again
    GA: So It Is Necessary To Warn You Again
    it's going to be SO AMAZING



    ...oh god i've seen that xDDD
    (I'm going to go edit that. Can we start over as if that typo wasn't there? ._.)
    GA: You're The Meddler Here
    GA: And Don't Pull That Meddler Card Again Or Else
    yes. yesyesyesyes. can you wait for portal 2. because i can't wait for portal 2.



    :3 Yes, good Mawsie. xD
    GA: No Particular Reason
    GA: I Am Trying To Get Everyone Including You To Stop Thinking I'm A Meddler
    GA: So Stop It

    ...you forgot the e :3 -cuddle-
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