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  • That was my first Homestuck RP where I didn't fail within my first four messages xD
    GA: Haha
    GA: Have You Shut Your Mouth Vriska
    GA: Im Happy To See No Blue Text From You
    GA: Im Glad Glad Glad
    GA: And I Will Come For You
    GA: You Idiotic Nobody
    GA: Well
    GA: Im Waiting For You To Shut Up And Submit
    GA: So Shut It
    GA: Youre The Meddler
    GA: Stop Being So
    GA: Smart Arsed
    GA: And Shut It
    GA: Why
    GA: Why Are You So Set On This
    GA: Shut Up
    GA: You
    GA: Wont Know
    GA: Till You Experience My Wrath
    GA: If You Dont Want To Be Crippled Mentally Or Physically
    GA: Shut Up Now
    GA: Shut Up About Your Stupid Luck
    GA: I
    GA: Am A Trained Rainbow Drinker
    GA: Shut Up
    GA: I Will Cripple You
    GA: Physically Or Mentally
    GA: And Use Whatever It Takes
    GA: To Shut You Up
    This is fuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

    GA: You
    GA: Are Either
    GA: Not Following
    GA: Or Maybe Youre Not Scared
    GA: Or You May Be Underestimating My Anger
    GA: You
    GA: May Be Immortal
    GA: But
    GA: Not Immune To Pain
    GA: And Once Im Through With You
    GA: Youll Be In So Much Sensory Distress
    GA: Youll Wish You Were Dead
    GA: You Are Severely Underestimating My Seriousness
    GA: You
    GA: Dont Use Jegus On Me
    GA: Just
    GA: Shut Up
    GA: And I Will
    GA: Find A Way To Cause You
    GA: Pain
    GA: Just You Wait
    GA: You May Be Of The God Tiers
    GA: But Youll See
    GA: I Will Prevail
    GA: Somehow
    GA: And Your Taunting
    GA: Is Fueling My Anger
    GA: Youre Helping Yourself Get Closer
    GA: Closer To Pain
    GA: Do You Follow
    GA: You
    GA: You Have Been Waiting All This Time
    GA: And
    GA: My Response To You
    GA: You Meddler
    GA: Is
    GA: Shut Up
    GA: Shut Up
    GA: Shut Up
    GA: Shut Up
    GA: Shut Up
    GA: Shut Up
    GA: Shut Up
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