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  • To think the universe only began last Thursday just before Countdown. Pointless really, just existing for a little over 6 days...
    Hey, I said any innuendo was unintentional. I suppose realising the accidental double entendre and pointing it out isn't the best way of covering it up. xD
    I think I'd have to be England, I'm far too lazy to move. =3
    But seriously, if you got the impression I was the biggest and least Welsh, Irish and Scottish country in Britain, but it turned out I was just an Englishman living in Oxfordshire, how let down would you be?
    It would be cool to be a country however. Especially if you were Russia. It's HUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE. But then, you could be Luxembourg, or the Vatican.

    (And you might know this- which came first, limerick the poem or Limerick the place?)
    You just implied that you WERE Ireland ;.;
    I mean, it's like you saying something about England, and then me replying in a way that suggests I'm the country itself, and then when you continue along this line of conversation, I just say that England is someone else and that I just live on them.
    :o Oooh... you're IRELAND? I thought you just lived there!
    Are you Northern Ireland or the Republic of Ireland? Or are you the whole thing??
    Oh, I founded the club. In fact it's named after me and my face appears on the coat of arms. xD Procrastinating ftw.
    The TV's 37". We had a reasonably big one before, but it just kinda decided to not be alive any more. We had had it while I was still in primary school, so... xD The ability to watch series 2 and 3 of Live At The Apollo as often as I wish, as well as record Mock the Week, has also shown me that Dara O'Briain really is an amazingly great comic =) Thanks Ireland.
    Aw, poor you D: *offers hug*
    I haven't been too bad, really. We recently got a new massive TV and BT Vision, which has all these hundreds of programmes stored up that you can watch whenever you want. So between that, working, gaming and Internet, I've kept myself pretty occupied. =)
    The one problem is I've still not done any homework or revision. I reckon I'll try to squish it all into Sunday. xD
    Ah. *nods*
    *goes off chanting "He's into that, that spiritual stuff.. I'm serious man, I've seen a movie on it!"*

    So..what up with you today? ^^
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