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  • Cool! It it also the same for myself. And I must say that I am getting a bit tired.

    Is Catching Fire a book that you have finished.
    Ha! Cave! Do so!

    You'll notice that as I get tired I shall get rather giddy and my writing shall transform into something of an oddity. *giggles*

    Oh, how I love the language of English.
    So I was playing my heartgold Japanese game, when I realized that the name for move with the animation for aerial ace didn't match up. It nagged at me for a while, until I forgot about it. Then I saw the name for attract didn't match up either. So I go online, and guess what? The Japanese name attract litterally means "fallen down drunk". And the Japanese name for aerial ace is awesome- wait for it - "hatching swallow". and there are even more intresting ones, I found on a website. Wanna here some?
    Don't worry, I can handle scripting. I'd just need your help with the artsy stuff.
    *Sighs* I feel really bad for him now. =/ At least he knows that I'm willing to help him if he ever needs it.
    A rom is basiclly a game, such as Pokemon Leafgreen, that you play on your computor. And when you hack it, you make the game that you want it to be. Basicly. Meagoj and I actually started on one last year, but we never got far.
    It's also a lot better than what one of my friends got: $50 and 3 suitcases, with one of the suitcases having a mean note in it. That's all I gonna say about my friend. Although I think you can figure out what's going to happen to him soon when I mention that he's turning 18 in a few months from now. =/
    I'm fine, despite getting only $105 dollars and a box of chocolate for Christmas (but at least it's better than nothing I guess).
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