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Recent content by Anything

  1. Anything


  2. Anything


    Hey! Welcome to the forums.
  3. Anything

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    I never got to knowing the Meloettas. I guess I never really found any use for it in battling, but I've really thought about finding some good use of it lately. Part of the fact that I never felt a need for it is that it's unreleased, but surprisingly, I seem to like Keldeo quite well...
  4. Anything


    Hey, welcome to the forums. Hope you have fun!
  5. Anything

    Tales of the Fanclub

    I just finished playing ToS 2 (finally). I didn't get it till last summer. I'm just so happy they came out with a Tales game for the Wii that was a sequel to ToS, my favorite tales game. I hear they're coming out with another one for the Wii: Tales of Graces. I'm so excited!
  6. Anything

    What gender is Pikachu?

    It's probably male because of its fierce personality. I could never imagine Pikachu as a girl. If it was, I'd never think of Pokemon TV shows the same.
  7. Anything

    The Most Hated Pokemon Ever

    Really, to me Bidoofs aren't all that annoying, but they're worse than lickilickies. But I do hate how they show up so much.
  8. Anything

    Welcome to the Marah Region! Pokemon Ivory and Pokemon Ebony!

    Everything's pretty good, but if you're making a new region, you're going to have to put a third game with a third legendary in it. Besides that everything else is great! It must have taken you forever to get all those ideas.
  9. Anything

    Your favourite Pokémon of each type?

    Re: Your favourite Pokémon of each type? Bug: scizor Dark: Umbreon Dragon: Dragonite Electric: Zapdos Fighting: Hitmontop Fire: Blaziken Flying: Altaria Ghost: Shedinja Grass: Roserade Ground: Flygon Ice: Articuno Normal: Togetic Poison: Drapion Psychic: Gardevoir Rock: Kabutops Steel...
  10. Anything


    Hey! Welcome to the forums!
  11. Anything

    Tales of the Fanclub

    I'm an it, and for some random reason, I started playing Tales of Innocence, and It's super hard, since I can't understand much of what the characters are saying, but does anyone know where I can find a guide?
  12. Anything

    Tales of the Fanclub

    They're pretty cool, except I can't understand them (not that I don't understand English).
  13. Anything

    How many Shiny Pokemon do you have?

    I have none, but I've seen several. There was a Starly that was perfectly easy to catch at Lv.2, except I didn't have any Pokeballs. I also ran into a shiny Rhyhorn in the Safari Zone which ran away.
  14. Anything


    Hey! Welcome to da forums!
  15. Anything

    Childhood Question-Which pokemon would you have as a pet?

    Re: The Ultimate Pokemon Question- Which pokemon do you want as a pet? Probably a Pidgeot. For some reason, I'm starting to like them a lot.
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