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How many Shiny Pokemon do you have?

How many Shinies do you have?

  • 0-10

    Votes: 204 87.6%
  • 11-20

    Votes: 13 5.6%
  • 21-30

    Votes: 3 1.3%
  • 31 or over

    Votes: 13 5.6%

  • Total voters
I have none, but I've seen several. There was a Starly that was perfectly easy to catch at Lv.2, except I didn't have any Pokeballs. I also ran into a shiny Rhyhorn in the Safari Zone which ran away.
None,but I did see a shiny Diglett first thing in Diglett Cave in Firered,but there was a critical hit and it fainted.:(
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Currently, 1. A shiny Mightyena named Ravenpelt. Caught him on my Emerald and I migrated him over to Pearl.

I used to have a shiny Poochyena and a shiny Numel on Sapphire, but I restarted the game and forgot to trade them.
I had the Shiny Gyarados on Gold, Silver, and Crystal before they died/were lost.
I also caught a shiny Geodude in Pearl, but I reset the game :(
Hmm..4. They're all lost though unfortunetly, except the Gyarados, but that really doesn't count since you're supposed to get a red Gyarados in G/S/C.

Silver: The magical Red Gyarados. 'Nuff said.
Sapphire: Shiny Cacnea. Caught it, stored it, then restarted the game without trading it.
Ruby: Shiny Marril. I raised it to an Azumarril, but then I restarted the game, forgetting to trade it over somewhere. Again.
Emerald: Shiny Poochyena. Before I caught it, it used Roar and ran away from me. I almost threw my Gameboy SP at the wall in anger.
Right now I have one. A shiny Tentacool in Platinum.

I used to have a shiny Tentacruel in Diamond, but I eventually deleted the file it was on because I wanted to start over. I also used to have the red Gyarados in Crystal, but I started over in Crystal as well.
Someone at school traded me a shiny Celebi. =] And I got a shiny Raikou off GTS, and I trained up a shiny Tyranitar and a shiny Salamence. So that = 4 shinies pour moi... Not too bad.
A shiny Oddish. I was all "OMGWTF" and all I had was ONE Ultra Ball. Now it's a LV 50 Vileplume.
I have three:

One shiny Machamp, off of the GTS
One very lucky shiny Regigigas on Pearl
One shiny Budew in my first runthrough of Eterna Forest in Platinum
Somebody, for some odd reason, traded my older sister a hacked level 100 shiny ditto for something. *shrugs*
None, unfortunately. =(

I really suck at chaining and never reached the benchmark of 40... and can't really be bothered to learn it to be quite honest. Also, I got unlucky with the only random shiny I ever encountered - Venomoth in the LG safari zone. Obviously, it fled.
Way back when I had a shiny Mew on Pokemon Crystal, gamesharked.
I had a shiny Gloom at one point which I mooched off my sister, but that was on Pokemon Sapphire, which is now lost. :/ On Sapphire I saw a shiny Sandshrew and Spinda but was always out of Pokeballs when that happened. >.<

Right now I only have one, a shiny Gliscor, technically legit... I abused the PRNG to make an egg hatch shiny and the nature I wanted. :B I suck at chaining.

I think I see a trend developing. ._.
Felidare just traded me 2 shiny Eevee and a Mew.
So I finally have something other than Bidoof.

But my brother has a hacked shiny Charizard with Wonder Guard and max sheen in all 5 categories. So that doesn't really count.
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