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  • ...
    I'm a fucking Shuppet!! I've got only a year or so left!!
    *phases through the Cat Bus, starting to cry*
    *Sighs angirly*
    We're in a Cat Bus! Be happy! While you still have things to make you happy...'cause one day...they'll be gone..
    *Looks at the ground*
    *Wide smile*
    *sits at the back*

    *Cat Bus starts running*

    *Looks out the window*
    *door on the Cat Bus opens*

    *Gets on, and the sign on the bus changes to "Dragonball"

    C'mon, Dar!
    *gets on*
    Just wait!

    *Suddenly.....WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?!*
    *nods eagerly*

    *walks a few feet away*
    *Shouts as loud as he can*
    *Starts to unwrap the leaf bundle*

    *Shakes his head, telling Richie no*
    *Smiles when Dar says they should leave*

    ...Wait...Totoro..are you going to get the...CAT BUS?!
    *Lets go*
    *Bows to Totoro, showing respect*
    Thanks again, you big fluffy forest spirit!

    *Grabs Richie's hand, putting a leaf bundle in it*


    *comes out of the bushes*

    *..is holding a Dragonball!*
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