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  • *Eyes stop glowing, and slows down*
    Hey! Look! *Points to the cute little town they've reached*
    By the look of it, the Dragonball is in that stream over there!
    *Points off in the distance*
    That way! Lets go!
    *Floats along like a little ghosty-girl*
    Well, there is a kind of machine made to find Dragon Balls. It's called a Dragon Radar. But I don't know where to get one..
    Hey! HEY VOICE!



    *A machine that looks like this falls from the sky*
    Cool! Each one has a certain number of stars on it, and I just so happen to have the Four-star ball with me!
    Um..Well...The Dragon Balls are seven magical orbs. When you collect all of them and say the right words, a dragon comes out and grants you any wish. You can even wish dead people back to life!
    ....Do you know what the Dragon Balls are?
    And before you answer, no. We will not be castratining any dragons.
    *Hugs Dar normally*
    *Ahems, breaking away*
    Okay, so...! Wait! I know how we can get me back to normal!
    *Tries to hug Dar*
    *Weird ghosty-ness makes her arms go right through him*
    That'll be hard to get used to.
    *Eyes glow orange*
    This is your fault!
    *Grabs Dar by the shirt collar, lifting him up*
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