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  • I know you said everyone will be grouped together eventually, but is there anything specific you want my character to do in the RP? I kind of want to post and bump it a little, but I don't really know what to post, haha.
    Okay! Er, my parents made sudden plans, so I won't be available for a bit. I'll let you know when I'm ready.
    I signed up for Legends because I told Black Yoshi I needed an RP because I was new to RPing and needed an RP with open sign-ups, so he told me about it and I signed up. Sorry about the run-on sentence. When I type enthusiastically, I write long sentences.
    I missed your birthday!
    Happy birthday, haha./belated

    Anyway, I assumed that in the RP, the people were able to turn into Pokémon, but Zodiark implied that the Pokémon actually live inside of them. What's the context here? Is it case-by-case?
    So people that become Pokémon... in that case, wouldn't the Pokémon resemble the person more than the person resembles the Pokémon?
    In the roleplay, are the characters Pokémon that become people, or vice versa?
    Hey, Dar, question about your roleplay—I might want to get in on it since I've been largely absent from RPing here for months, and because you're the bomb diggity.
    So, regarding how the characters change forms from Legendary to human. Are there any signs of their Legendary form when they appear as humans? Like tails or wings, for instance, or are they, like, full-fledged Poké Morphs?
    Ah. Well, that's fortunate. My parents would never forget, haha. I'm always on it.
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