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  • [Sorry. Phone]
    *looks* Almost night already? Hmm, that was fast.
    So, do you want to keep training or just set up camp for the night?
    [About the Icelandic April Fool's Joke or the Server thing? I'm going to assume server. When I tried to post the message before my previous one, it stayed loading for a while. So I clicked it again. It finished loading, but there were two of the same message. I tried to delete one and ot gave me a server error message. I reloaded the convo. page after and there was only one message, so... yeah...]
    I'm teaching you the shield, but not the spear. I don't know how you learn to attack another person's mind...
    The Platinum comic I'm making? It's in "Other Creativity" called "Pokemon Platinum: Let's Play"
    [XDD Good old Butterfree. April Fools :P Did the Forum server glitch for a second for you too?]
    Once again, an enemy would have done far worse than just go into your mind.
    You'll learn lunges later. Honestly, I don't think I taught them to you though...
    [Actually, that was a lunge in the middle of my sentence. I didn't really know how else I should have done it though :P But, since you're distracted by the question...]
    *barrier disolves since you stopped concentrating on it*
    *once again, spear turns into probing tentacles and then those withdraw*
    [Hmm, yeah, that really wasn't the best place to put that, was it?]
    *shield just barely makes it in time*
    Good, but that was a slow one. You have to *mind lunge* be ready at any time for an attack.
    Oh trust me, that one was powerful enough to destroy a planet.
    I am really glad that that blast wasn't deflected downward...
    Anywho, is that thing simple enough to create in your mind without too much trouble?
    *suddenly lunges out with mind*
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