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  • Yes. There has been a discussion about ableism as regards mental illness in Forum Discussion.
    Vice versa- Mohacastle is a name I've used for years and years. And my partner in creating the game, Raven, has been using the name Raven for years, so, uh, you get the point.
    Yeah, same here. I bought it for forty bucks, and a year later got it again for twenty on Origin. I wasn't really in to Pokemon or anything of the like originally, though, but once I got into it, Spore was great for me. It's like making a million fakes. I love it. But really, create is all that's good for me- the story has no replay value whatsoever to me, even though it's different every time.
    Holy balls... that's ridiculous. The thing about space is, as fantastic as it is at first, slowly I fall out of love with it. I mean, it's the same thing OVER AND OVER AND OVER. For reals.
    Pft. Is that even possible? Let him know that there are exactly 2,400 star systems, so good luck with that... ;)
    That's true... might use a cloaking device, or bring a whole buttload of allies and make them take all the heat.
    Is that so? That's dumb. Yeah, I REALLY don't want to ally, so I guess I'll just have to get a better Instellar so I can hop right over them in a couple, how you say, zooms.
    Just asking, but is your Safari Zone area still open? I might have a go at it in a few weeks or something.
    Okay, good. Yeah, I'm pretty hopeless.

    What I would do about it is, get the face to blue, but don't ally or else everyone in the galaxy will want you dead. Luckily, I have gracious greeter, so it won't be as hard for me. Plus, I have return ticket, so I can just warp home if they go after me.
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