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  • you are going to be a disgusting foodstuff and you are going to like it >:l

    OKAY I'll just cover you in lye and maggots and leave you to rot for a while then. 8D

    *insert obligatory remark about magnets*

    The world is a terrible, terrible place :D

    You have plenty of drawing skills, you are a drawing wizard
    ...good point! :]

    yum yum

    Well then the rest of the world can just keep on learning English, and then native English speakers can continue never having to learn a second language. 8D

    how unfortunate :C
    That works too! :D (Have I mentioned yet that your art thread is the best thing ever because eeee)
    ...what are we even doing

    Hey, at least it's not that Sardinian cheese that's all full of maggots and stuff :o

    Or, one-third of the world could learn each one and then there would be no language barriers ever again. :3

    Then why are you so good at being an awesomeperson? :D
    (On a related note you should totally draw a bald person wearing a Tropius on their head. Just putting that out there.)


    Hey, Stilton cheese is full of mould and it's perfectly safe to eat!

    I imagine they're quite easy to be different from, since Danish, Swedish and Norwegian are apparently similar enough that if you can speak one of them then you can pretty much understand anything anyone says to you in the other two. :P

    I wouldn't say that :c Maybe to bald people you are.


    I think that might actually make it safer to eat.

    Herpaderp, I thought all Nordic languages were Germanic. :V That probably explains why Finnish is supposedly ridiculously different from all the Scandinavian languages. But I'm pretty sure I'm thinking of something completely different and probably ought to shut up and stop being wrong about everything
    ANYWAY YES languages in general are brilliant :o

    Well you shouldn't, baldness is a very serious problem that affects a lot of people until they crush themselves with huge banana-bearded flying dinosaurs out of vanity. D:
    omnomnom waffle


    But... it's already bad. That's the whole point of it. :o
    (...for some insane reason I feel like trying to somehow come up with fakemon based on lutefisk and surstromming)

    Oh. well it looks crazy to not-Finnish people 8D But also awesome! Everything looks awesome in Germanic languages.

    ...probably :c Unless the Tropius was very small. Or the crippling shame of baldness was just so great that you didn't mind.


    Surstromming is supposedly really nice actually, despite the fact that it's fucking decomposing fish. They mentioned it on a panel quiz show here in Britain sometime last year and got a tin of it out, and apparently it had a use-by date. ¯\(°_o)/¯
    "Mämmi is also used as minor ingredient in a mämmi-beer by Laitilan Wirvoitusjuomatehdas." what on earth is a wirvoitusjuomatehdas that is the craziest word ever

    ...I'm now picturing people wearing Tropiuses on their heads


    I will judge whenever I please :c
    And given that the nordic countries are responsible for lutefisk and surströmming I'm sure you'll forgive me if I'm not too keen on trying any of their cuisine. >:P
    ...I wonder if there are chocolate bars with rotten fish inside because that would actually be pretty awesome

    (I believe the correct plural of Tropius is Tropii)


    ew liquorice DDDDDDDDD:
    in fact salty liquorice, that sounds absolutely horrid why would anyone eat that
    anyway no, since I do not live in a Nordic country I would not know that that is. :D

    ...well no that sounds less romantic. :C
    (speaking of things in Japanese, they call HM slaves "secret agents")


    you sicken me D<
    (actually Crustle's looks okay :D)
    (also I just looked up this Masuda thing on Bulbapedia and apparently in Japanese it's called "international marriage". That's actually sort of cute. :D)

    OR BETTER YET each stage could have progressively more pronounced fireeyebrows. Like they could go from :) to >:) to }:D

    I'm just saying, . Ew D:
    ...I want to like Krookodile's shiny but the yellow and brown just clash too much :C I know there's definitely at least one shiny I really like but I can't remember what it is

    that is a very good question 8D

    go go go~
    well I think it is but then I hate most shinies. >:C Especially when really dark Pokémon turn bright pink or something. Blergh.


    noooo :c
    The only Shiny I ever found in over a decade of playing was a Floatzel. And I love Floatzel but its shiny is ugly as hell
    on a serious note I may have just inadvertently created Wellington/Daryan shipping
    they even share a common interest! (murdering)

    But then theyd pretty much look nothing like what they're meant to look like :c Unless I make the big brown patch on the chest orange or red or something instead of brown. But then it needs something specific to set it apart otherwise all its prevos will look like smaller Hottweilers. argleblarg.
    (I just had another go at drawing Hottweiler in pencil and dear god it actually looks kind of okay :o I mean the head is still about half the length of the rest of his body but)
    what do you mean, bananas are just a very delicious fruit

    But yeah, I should probably try less hard to make them look like the thing they're based on and more like actual Pokémon. :v
    That smiley confuzzles me I keep thinking it stands for something. :l
    Anyway Daryan's hair looks like a large banana so following this logic Wellington must think his hair is delicious also.

    Exactly. :D


    also don't look at this it's bad
    It looks like a Danish pastry. And since everything that looks like something obviously tastes like the thing they look like, I'd say it certainly is. <3

    Do you want AAI2 in English or not

    Says the person with the Ron DeLite avatar. :3

    How very noble. :D I estimate that there will be about 200 million other people unable to sign so I think I'll go make that many extra e-mail addresses and vote from them yes

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