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  • It's fine, really! No worries. It seems that today's Saturday, so have fun at the graduation! Congratulations to both of you. C:
    Oh, yes! School ends on June second, so that's very soon.

    Oh, that's sweet of you! Good luck with that; I know that trying to hatch shinies isn't easy. But you can do it!
    I always feel lazy and too blergh to create anything! :C

    I made a walky thing though!
    And in like an hour and a half I'll be able to look at my computer's clock and it'll be 19:19 :DDD
    (we're like the coolest ever)

    I barely read at all
    I wish I could be arsed to do so because sometimes it's depressing when I realise my only real hobby is "dicking around" :V
    I remember once I was dreaming and my phone started ringing in the dream and I woke up abruptly and my phone was ringing in real life. Were green things exploding in your home?
    but it's timeswirlyyyy D:

    ...okay that is a rather attractive scrollbar
    (I only just noticed what you did with that filename. 8D)

    nighty night~
    It's okay I guess but it's no timeswirly
    Who needs minimalism when you have timeswirly
    Scyther Slash does not have timeswirly
    Basically timeswirly defeats any point you can ever make about anything :D

    Plus you can easily make Firefox about as squished up as that if you really want, see

    We will not need computers and appliances, magnets are the only thing that matter
    ...oh god yes. I am going to become insanely rich and eccentric somehow and make this a viable possibility.
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