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  • Yeah man, like a 1/8000something chance!

    Or I could encounter Missingtrd. with a kneaded eraser in my 6th item slot and get like a million of them! :o
    i finally got firefox closed!

    except it didn't open for five minutes and when it did it opened too U:
    Hahahaha, oh awesome. THEY SEE ME JABBIN' THEY HATIN' I love gangstagunk! :v I'm so bad at making things all bling-shiny and you make it work aand it's cool.

    Thanks a lot. :] I'm not sure if I've ever done an art trade before, actually, so I was being all AM I DOING IT RIGHT GAAAAAAA. :v;
    Ey yo, how does this look? (if there are any major errors or nitpicks or something I can correct them :v!)

    (The delay was mostly due to me stressing over anatomy and then probably still not getting it right. I had originally planned to have a cool background that had some scenery and cool shit in it, but I am bad at backgrounds and that quickly proved to be a horrible mistake that reduced the overall quality of the picture so you get some dumb minimalist thing instead sorry I suck so much D:.)


    Alright, but maybe there might be another way we could chat. Maybe Yahoo, if you have it? (Sorry for not replying earlier; the internet was down for awhile~)
    I know. R.I.P. Humanity.


    Oh, I don't have one. But I could make an MSN Messenger account, if you want, because I wouldn't mind. :3 Just...tell me what to do and what webiste I have to make an account on~
    Yeah, you heard me. That's what they thought criticism is, sadly.

    Oh, I see. That sucks.

    Exactly what I thought! I was like '>:O'.
    ...After thinking about what you said, you're actually right. 0_o I remember I was talking to one of my friends of DA and that's what they thought that criticism was. 0_0

    ...My hopes of one day joining Sheezy have completely vanished, turned into dust, and swept away into the freaking air. :x

    Yeah. But you know what's sad? When random strangers give you "lol, very good" and when replying to their friends they're all like "Overall very nice! I'm very impressed. But you might have to work on outlining abit more - The lines are to shaky" and blah blah blah. I hate that so freaking much. >:C
    You know, I wonder why people even do that. I actually want to know why people do that. Maybe they think it makes them sound professional? 0_o

    I guess so. It's just...well, I can't really describe it, but I guess It's sort of annoying hwne you get all hyped up thinking you're going to finally get good critisism for once, and it ends up being "Good job." with nothing else after that. (Yeah, I've noticed. But on Sheezy, is that really true? Well, I guess some people deserve trolling...)

    I know. I once even put in all caps 'CONTRUCTIVE CRITISISM ONLY' and I got "nice", "wow, good" and "cool. ur a gud drawer." Nobody seems to read the descriptions anymore...
    Ah, I see. I've also gotten it sometimes, too. The guy was banned, though. Fwee~

    Oh, God. Oh God oh God oh God. Those stuck up brats who belive that they can do everything on their own. Those people make it seem like they can fix all the problems in the world. But you know what I hate most? When in their description the specifically say that they want critisism, and then when you give them critisism, they're all like "Oh, F off, I don't need your help". THAT. ANNOYS. ME. TO. NO. END.

    a) I've gotten that. Hated it. :x
    b) Gotten it aswell. Hated it again. :x
    c) I've never gotten one of those, suprisingly. Exet for afew memes (Mudkipz and over 9000)
    d) Gotten it - I either left it be or went "...what?".
    e) Barely ever happened. Everything was like the above.

    Ugh, I wish everybody would just give real critisism so people could actually improve. But nooooooo, I need to text talk my non-critisism compliment/my utter dislike for your art because critsism takes to much thinkinggggg...
    Seeing as I'm super-sensative, rude critisism can hurt, but like you said, It's helpful~ The only rude critisism I hate it the "omg leik u suk @ drawin an u need 2 get a lif & lurn 2 draw n00b" kind of stuff. But you know what? That kind of stuff isn't critisism. It's nonsense.

    God, those stuck up son a bi-
    Yeah, agreed. I mean, It's good for people to think to themselves that they're a great artist or whatever, but when they reply to you "Wow, I draw sooooooo much better than you. You honestly need to open your eyes and look and the crap you're drawing and notice how mines so much better." kind of thing, I wouldn't mind flipping them off. :x

    That's good. It's good to get critisism, like we've both been saying. It helps you become a better artist and such. I remember when I first joined deviantART my drawings were terrible, and I would litterally die if I ever got bad critisism. I didn't have a tablet and I used MS Paint all the time. *sigh* I'm hoping to make another account on my computer (seeing as deviantART gave my family's computer virusus, but not mine) so I can actually post some decent things and get critisism again to improve.
    It did? Geez, people like that can be so...
    Ugh. :x People need to understand that when people give critisism they're just trying to help.
    Oh, I see now. :3
    (I hate it when that happens. I tell someone that I like their picture, but it needs alittle work, and they get all angry like I just insulted the most important thing in their life. I'm just trying to help them, ya know? x3)
    You can show me after I'm done with my part, so it's all fair and stuff! :v

    (Shouldn't take more than a day or two, by the way - I'm being all 'better do good on this :o' but do not want to have you waiting for an annoyingly long time! I don't have much else to do anyway.)
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