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Olde English?
New English?
No, Just English.
December 30
Nescio ubi sum.


You can turn me up, I will never fail.


Love is a state of the heart. It's a lost art. Knowing is a thing I do. I know that stranger's life is delicate. I would give my life so that little girl, so that old man, could keep theirs. Not because mine is worth less, but because, just because they live, they are close to my heart. A piece of me breaks, when I see someone in pain. And maybe, I just don't want to ache for them. Perhaps I am a selfish child. But I have a goal. And I will do everything everything for anyone anyone. Have you forgotten? I told you my mission. I am out to save the world. If my life is required, then that is what I'm giving. Tell me, what do you see in the eyes of a child? Wonder? Love? Dreams? The world runs on dreams. Many false hopes. But if false hopes keep us alive, then perhaps they have a purpose beyond what I know. For I don't know much. All I know is I would do anything to help. And if you ever need me, all you have to do is say. Because that's my mission. That's my purpose. That's my goal.



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