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  • Nah, I don't have signatures turned on.
    I do, but it's just one of those dumb "fuckyeah" blogs that just reblogs stuff and posts fanart from dA and pixiv.
    I haven't seen the new episode yet but I generally consider things to have jumped the shark when I go into them wanting to like them and still don't. If I go in expecting it to be terrible I'll almost always think it was. I'll probably give it a while before watching season 4 so I can watch it without hearing of any "it was terrible" or "it was the best thing ever" and watch it on my own terms. I suppose that's one of the reasons why I stopped participating in the fandom. (I hope the other reasons are obvious :P)

    No, I haven't watched Adventure Time at all. I might one day but there are so many shows I already intend to watch, there's really no point adding it to the list yet.

    Random question; do you run any side blogs on tumblr?
    Although, I think the reason Spongebob has lasted so long is because Nickelodeon sees it as a sort of flagship show for its cartoon channels. Not all of its other shows are as popular, whereas in my experience Cartoon Network shows a lot of things that are most likely quite popular.

    The Hub isn't that brilliant and MLP proved surprisingly popular so there is the chance they'll keep it going to keep the Hub active.

    I'm probably wrong but I think a lot of the dysfunctionality in the fandom (and other fandoms probably) is because some people "know" that it's dysfunctional and go out of their way to try to act as un-dysfunctional as possible. But since there isn't an agreement on what is considered weird, there are people who consider each other dysfunctional who just encourage each other to act the way they do. ("Not all bronies like the porn, better spam SFW fanart everywhere to prove that it's not all porn!")

    Also there's the people who are just dicks just out of spite. ("someone doesn't like the porn? Better draw more porn just to troll them!") The fact that a significant amount of the fandom go to places like 4chan doesn't help that category.

    Lucky :( The only one of those you just mentioned I've ever seen aired on UK channels is Cardcaptor Sakura and that was years ago. It was like Pokémon and Yugioh though in that was aired just after school ended on one of the main channels that everyone has. I do remember telling my friends I think two of the (same sex) characters had a thing for each other. This was before we knew homosexuality was a thing and he thought I was making stuff up. Then recently I was reading its wikipedia article and it turns out that I was right, it was just removed in the dubbed version to be more "kid friendly"!
    I think Bleach and Naruto are on a lot actually, on the cartoon channels. I just don't check those channels often since nothing I watch is ever on them.

    I do not watch Adventure Time :(
    Not yet no, sorry :(
    You know how it is. I have stuff to do so I force myself not to procrastinate by watching videos... but I end up procrastinating by doing other stuff anyway.

    Luna had a lot of potential and the writers knew they could use the fact that she would be behind the times, but they could've done more with her than have her not get what Nightmare Night is about.

    I didn't particularly like Apple Family Reunion. The song was too basic for my liking and the last scene is only really memorable to people who watch the show already, I doubt casual viewers would remember it as well. And yeah, I agree that MMC should have been a series finale.

    The thing about Spongebob syndrome isn't that it gets terrible, it's that it gets terrible but they continue to make more anyway. I think if MLP goes too downhill it will get cancelled.
    Although I expect as is the case with the Pokémon fandom, there'll be those who insist it's just as good as always who accuse people who don't like it of wearing nostalgia goggles, and the people who say only season 1 is any good and anything after that should be non-canon and people who like it are just fanboys who never see any fault in anything they like.

    Lisa the Vegetarian is season 7? I could've sworn it was earlier than that. What season is the episode where Homer gets a pet lobster then? That must be much later D:
    I think that anything up to season 8 I think is watchable. 9 and 10 have the odd classic, too. I think I stopped watching them half way through season 11.
    Bart gets an F and Bart the Genius are early ones that I don't really enjoy because it didn't really feel like they'd really got "into" it yet.

    Marge vs the Monorail is on ALL the time. I'm not complaining because it's a great episode. It's just if I get DVDs I might skip that one :P
    Ones I want to see include:
    You Only Move Twice
    Cape Feare
    Flaming Moe's
    Homer the Bat
    The Springfield Files
    Lisa's Substitute
    Homer's Enemy
    22 Short Films about Springfield

    Lucky :( I think there used to be an anime channel where I live but it didn't last long. The only anime which is on over here is Pokémon and Yugioh and things like that on Cartoon Network.
    I think we both agree that Hearth's Warming Eve was pretty good!

    I'll take your word for it, since as I said I've only watched season 3 once. I assume by "concept fans wanted" you meant being obsessed with Rainbow Dash? I can barely remember that episode but I think I recall her trying to act not scared to impress RD.

    Maybe it's because I only watched it once, or because the episode were generally bad but I can't even remember what the season 3 episodes were unless I really put thought into it or someone else brings them up. Off the top of my head, not counting the ones you've already mentioned I can only remember the one where Discord comes back and the last episode but only because Twilight got her wings. (though I can't actually remember the story of the last episode at all now that I think of it)

    I might just have to get Simpsons DVDs because even though there are like four episodes on every day, they're barely ever good ones. In fact there are episodes I really really want to see again because I haven't seen them for so long.

    Also speaking of DVDs, I bought my first anime DVD recently! K-ON season 1! Now I just need to find out if there's a way to get fansubs to play over DVDs because the official subs suuuuck. And even though you can watch the episodes in Japanese with subs, the special features are all in English, including music videos for the insert songs, which sucks :(
    As I'm sure you know since I've made it abundantly clear in the thread, I didn't hate MMDW so I don't think Merriwether Williams is a bad writer. Although that said, I thought Putting your Hoof Down was sub-par. It reminded me of the early bad Spongebob episodes. You know, the episodes where a new character is brought in and instead of creating conflict himself, he creates a situation which causes conflict. Like the episode where a military shark takes over the boating school or when the fry cook who worked at the Krusty Krab before Spongebob comes back to visit.
    It's off that it reminds me of bad Spongebob episodes though, since Merriwether Williams left Spongebob before he episodes started getting bad.

    Anyway I don't follow the writers that much so I can't say I have a definite opinion on many of them. (also I've only watched S3 once so I might be a little rusty with episode names)

    Does being Scootaloo-centric make it fanservice or just the way it was done? Scootaloo is a character after all so it makes sense to do a her-centric episode eventually. Although yeah, Luna was pretty unnecessary. I don't know how many ponies live in Equestria but it's probably too many for Luna to bother appearing to random ponies like that.
    I didn't really think Trixie needed closure. As much as I said one-off characters made later Spongebobs boring and how Iron Will felt like one of those, Trixie worked fine as a one-off and at the time I had no reason to think she'd come back.

    Remember that one Simpsons clipshow that ended with the "We didn't start the fire" parody. It repeated "We'll never stop the Simpsons! Have no fears we've got stories for years!" over and over and at one point showed a picture of Homer jumping a shark. Also this

    Also, I was thinking of changing my usertitle to something pointing out that every time I make a thread I have to include a justification or a backstory explaining why I came to the decision to make a thread. But then it turned out the usertitle field is too short to write something like that.
    Is Debbie Downer the new Negative Nelly?

    That is a trend but not a definite rule. In the case of the shows you mentioned there, don't forget that they were all original shows (I think, anyway). MLP is from an already existent franchise and its previous generations (except for the first) weren't that popular to begin with. So that's somehow hopeful. And with the fact that I think season 3 was rushed a bit maybe because they wanted to hit the 64 episode mark more than they did want to make good episodes? I dunno. I'm a bit pessimistic about it too.

    I don't know much about the seasoning of Spongebob since I watched it whenever it was on and have no idea which episodes are in which season but in my opinion it started to go way downhill before the movie and the movie itself was a C at best. It, along with the Simpsons has been afflicted with the curse of being aired in pretty much a random order on the channels I have, which means if I sit down to watch an episode there's actually a higher chance of it being a bad episode than a good one. :(
    "Okay, okay I get your point"

    I wasn't actually making a point? I hate the google+ integration as much as anyone, I wasn't trying to make out as if it was a trivial change that people complain about for no reason or anything like that!
    Haha, when I was I had a new visitor message I thought it might be you. I was ready to respond to "Have you watched the videos in my last message" or something along those lines with, "no, I've been too busy being on Tumblr this entire time" :P

    So yes, I do! I'd rather not post it here right now (I don't like leaving a paper trail for people who might want to stalk me to follow, because I'm just that paranoid), so I'll follow you and you can follow me back? If you were intending to follow me anyway, that is. You'll probably be able to tell it's me. I don't post very often though.

    Also no, I haven't watched the videos on your last message yet, sorry :(
    Also, since I've stopped keeping up on pony, is there going to be a season 4? I think I remember there being one announced but seasons usually start in October and if there had been one the thread here probably would have seen some activity.
    I was thinking about getting the second k-on album with my birthday money but I'll probably end up not because I'd probably end up not listening to it that often.
    Also idk how import fees work so there's that.
    I take it they didn't bother translating Art of the Dress? :(

    Pinkie's voice seems pretty good! Fluttershy's bit of Hush Now Quiet Now was good but Sweetie Belle just isn't as cute without the voice cracks :P
    Also the ones with subtitles - what font is that? It seems to be really popular for anime subs but I've never seen it anywhere else.
    I wasn't around for Crystylla and Music Dragon (I assume you're giving him fourth for pre-Great Fire performance, or something? I only remember that he joined at some point after I was around and maybe had one or two battles at most), so it's kind of hard to say on those two. But not really? I don't have a clue what methodology you used to put the list together--I assume just gut feeling, mostly.

    Can't really think of anything better, though, without any defined meaning of best.
    Every once in a while I bop around to see if anything's happened. Doesn't necessarily mean I'm staying, though.

    Sorry, are you anybody I'm supposed to recognize? You can tell I haven't been around regularly, so I wouldn't be able to recognize people who got namechanges since.
    From what I can tell, the voice acting is pretty good! Though I can't really say for sure since I don't speak Japanese :P
    I didn't expect the intro to be that different. (Also Pony Canyon being there made me lol)

    Also do you know where I might get the songs from K-ON! ? Is there an official album or anything? I went looking on amazon but all I could find were image songs.
    I said I'd check out the Japanese MLP when Winter Wrap Up is out, which I think it is now? Do you have a link?
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