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  • Oh, in what I was saying.
    Never mind, I was just jabbering mindlessly like I always do, you may disregard it all. =3

    Hey if I hadn't aid it you'd've just read it in my head D: And being evil's better than being hairy and sweaty and smelly and not living as long.


    Ahhh. The friend who likes beads. xD
    I was going to try and edit the Platinum rival's sprites into Trainermike and have them animated, to get Mike doing the Rival Dance =D Best avvy evar, no?

    I must find out the reason for this.
    I've even got one of them claiming to fancy me a bit o.o THAT oughtn't happen.

    I thought you'd be horrified o.o His parents never loved him did they.
    (And for ease of pronoun selection in future, girls and hermaphrodites generally don't care to befriend me irl. xD)

    Yeah I'm assuming you don't know what I'm on about any more so imma stop this conversation and concentrate on the other two. xD


    My friend hasn't SEEN it o.o

    Though I guess it's better than having a clown statue and not noticing anything amiss at all when the murderer turns up.

    And I could put Humanmike in the background asleep or awake looking totally unadorable =D

    Ohhh. I thought it was Lion King or at least Disney :3

    And I'm going to stop this line of conversation before I start saying we haven't got a clown statue and before long I'll be too creeped out to go to sleep whenever I eventually decide to. xD

    And they would. I should draw them. Sleeping. Meowthmike could be curled on Foxhogmike's lap. Or his tummy ^w^

    ...is that a song? o.o
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