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  • ...then who the hell is that o.o *peers into corner nervously* Oh, it's just a mindless, murdering psychopath. Nothing to worry about ^_^

    And I don't think so =3 And I guess Foxhogmike and Meowthmike sleeping would be cute because of the intense fwuffiness that cannot fail to be adorable in any way. Humanmike on the other hand, lolno.

    Bet I'm not adorable when I'm asleep.

    (I know, you have to go face the final boss at different stages throughout the game. Imma see them all xD)

    How is it that if you take any cute thing and make it asleep it magically gets cuter?
    But the it is usingitswiddultailasapiwwowawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

    Is that your thing you're putting in every visitor message? Please say it is =DDDD

    Anyway, I've still got a few optional sidequests to finish before rounding off the story. And I can always play it again 8D

    I thought to be blind you had to be, you know, blind. As in able to see bugger all. =/

    (Oh my god do you think the phrase "legally blind" is where the title for that film "Legally Blonde" comes from? We saw that in German once. And I mean both in German class and in the German language.)

    No, it's fun actually playing the game yourself and not being told what to do. xD
    Plus I'm averse to hand-holding and everything related to it D:

    Oh, I also got an FFIX Strategy Guide. Not sure why I got it because it'll just end up holding my hand right the way through the game and I'll never do anything else by myself, rather than just being on hand if I get stuck or at least to just reveal hidden chests and such.

    And I do wish the game would tell you what the damn monsters are called >_<


    I do love Vivi and Kytes though. *glomps them both* And Lucca's cool. Not so much as Frog but meh.
    Oh God, I recruited Quina today. Awesome as he/she/it is I just know I'm gonna get sick of this stupid Eat command.

    o.o Meep.

    On a side note why is it that the mage in RPGs is always the character you love to bits (Vivi in FFIX, Kytes in FFXII:RW, Lucca in Chrono Trigger) but they DIE SO DARN EASILY
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