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  • Nah, not really. Then I'd have access to Virtual Console and won't need my N64 any more, so it'll have been a waste of time buying it and collecting up about 10 games fir it. Though it would be cool to play you guys at Brawl or Pogeymanz or whatever and see how hilariously badly I get owned~
    Can't get WiFi. At least not without completely intercoursing up my internet to get hold of a WEP key, and when stuff like that happens to things in our house it usually means we will never, ever unruin them.
    I want Misdreavus but Diamond doesn't have any. (Well, I don't especially, but I wouldn't say no to one I guess.)
    Mmmmmmm. That'd go nicely with a cup of pure black magic~ *ignores the fact he hates coffee*
    Aw, me sowwy D: *gives food*

    I had the wierdest impulse to write "me-sa" instead of "me". Must be the influence of my inner Jar Jar Binks or something.
    So, beetroot.
    It just means it sprays everywhere and you leave the seat up and so women yell at you. And you get the joy of the urinal! And the things you get in some public toilets where you just pee on the wall and it runs down into a trough!

    Let's stop this now before it gets totally disgusting. Well, more so.
    Yeah, I was just gonna say. xD You don't really wanna be a male anything. The whole peeing-stood-up thing isn't as great an advantage as you people seem to think.
    Oh, they contain different meats and what have you.

    Anyway, you shall be a female Pachirisu, not a male sausage.
    Not sure how it differs from other German sausages. I think they're all cooked differently or something.
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