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  • And you know, I just might do it. Not right now, I'm too tired to do anything apart from TCoDding and reading about people who are so indescribably stupid they really should not be allowed to come into existence. =)
    It's ok to agree with the second bit. I won't be offended.
    If it makes it easier, I'm suddenly charged with the urge to discover a link between Pope Innocent III and fish.
    It's fun, isn't it? You just all of a sudden go "Hang on, I started off thinking about fish, how did I get on to Pope Innocent III?", and then you get to work out everything you thought about along the way...

    ...my life is quite depressingly sad.
    Ooh wow, now I get to do that awesome thing where you're thinking/talking about something weird and think "hang on, how'd I get here?" and you get to retrace your train of thought which is generally quite fun.

    Or I could accept that I'm a pillock and I do strange things sometimes for no reason. *throws away onion*
    Exactly. And generally speaking I hate societal norms , so why aren't I crying?...
    Fetch us some onions, Flora, we're turning on the waterworks.
    Which one? None stand out as particularly idiotical.
    (And you're not an idiot :3 I'm an idiot. See? *closes his laptop and bashes his head on it repeatedly*)
    How dare you challenge societal norms, you lunatic? Don't you know they're always, always right and never nonsensical, stupid or repressive?! And I'm glad you think it's okay that you've emotionally wounded me forever, that's great. xD

    Aw... still sounds good though. And with a name like "the Nerd Herd", you must be the coolest kids in school!!! XD (Don't take that the wrong way, for the love of god don't.)
    What's OK? Crying, or my problem? If the former, I'm a boy and it is forbidden; if the latter then trivialising my dilemma like that is something that I fear shall hurt me deeply until the day I die.

    Reading Olympics? That sounds like the single most amazing thing in the history of ever. Unless of course it involves no actual Olympic events performed with books.
    Pokeadots? Surely that doesn't sound anything LIKE polkadots. Well, unless maybe you had hyphens in there. (Surely not making the same mistake is simple. Hire different people.)

    Anyway, I guess that's about as bad as your fictitious girlfriend going crazy and leaving you. =( *tries not to cry*
    I thought we might keep endlessly posting emoticons for no apparent reason. Also you can't expect me to be totally happy, I have just been comic-dumped.

    (Also there is a typos thread and "yes you can't" has not yet been posted in it. Explain yourself.)
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