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  • I imagine it sucks a lot D:
    Not that I'd really know, never having had the tiniest interest in sport of any kind. But I expect the death of anyone involved with your team would be upsetting.
    Dahhhhhhhhhhhhhh I forgot to say Happy Easter to you >< Sorry!
    Here's your egg:

    Or if you'd rather, based on your comments the other day:
    I must meet this friend. xD
    But seriously, I'm just like your friend.

    Teacher: Class, today you will have a test on lupus.
    Me:*inside* lupus? LUPUs?! IT'S NEVAR LUPUS! BWAHAHAH!
    Oreooos :D
    Oh, just multi-tasking like a moron. Catching glimpses of House MD fanfics *NOOO KUTNEEER ;.;* listening to Evanescence, and doodling like a rabbit on speed.
    Yeah, but I eventually came to realise that nobody with such a sum would fall for it. Plus it's most likely against the rules or something.
    Sure they didn't fall for it back when I was on Neopets and tried to shift an Old Rotten Right Boot for 999,999NP, but one day this tactic shall earn me my fortune.
    ...ouch. I've found a USB access point for the Wii and DS for £28.28 and all the reviews of it are warning strongly against getting any cheaper ones cos they suck. So if I get it and it won't work that's a lot of money wasted for someone as tight as myself.
    Still, it apparently works with Vista.
    I will~

    I'll get one after Easter, when I'll have tons of money from being made to work more than I'd like. My account's probably quite empty right now since I shelled out over £19 on a Paper Mario cartridge from America that probably won't even work on my N64. xD
    *light bulb appears over Mike's head*
    ...get lost, I'm trying to think >=( Stupid bulb. Anyway, it MIGHT work if I use our PC instead of my laptop. But I doubt it, purely because it's me.
    Yeah, I just checked the Nintendo WiFi website and you don't seem to need a WEP key if you get a USB adapter... BUT YOUR COMPUTER NEEDS TO BE RUNNING ON WINDOWS XP. Stupid laptop has Vista ;.;
    (Are you coming to England then? Otherwise getting it to me might be a bit troublesome =D)

    I'm slightly annoyed that Wittgenstein won't fit >:( And yeah, naming a Pokémon after Hitler probably just isn't such an amazing idea. xD
    I wants it- er, I mean congratulations! ^^
    Speaking of Pokémon, when Platinum finally shows up in Europe, do you think I should name my team after philosophers, or World War II leaders?
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