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  • Your city (I assume it's a city cos of the name) has its very own accent? Cool. Kinda like Birmingham. (Make sure you read that word "Burr-minnum" and no "Ber-ming-ham". I hate when American people pronounce British placenames the way a sane person would. xD)
    Eh, that's OK. Even if you'd said "English accent" that wouldn't be specific enough. So unless you're happy to go round referring to "the accent used in Oxfordshire and the surrounding areas" we might have to make some compromise.
    Hell, I was wrong to refer to your accent as "American". :)
    *ignores the use of the term "British accent"*
    Yeah, we don't really say that here. We usually go for "right-o, guv'na". =)
    Oh wow, I just imagined the word "yessiree" being said in an American accent. It sounded amazing. xD
    Well here's the candy anyway, just to make you even happier~
    Would your horrible sadness be cancelled out if I gave you a big bucket of candy?
    Eh, Firefox doesn't even recognise its own name now. Silly British dictionary add-on.
    Did you say you wanted your character to be called Flora or Rachel? Or did you not mind?
    (Why does Firefox not recognise your name?!)
    Yeah, sorry I lied. It was thoughtless and hurtful. I don't know why I did it.
    It does feature you, however. And I plan for it to be reasonably long, too.
    You can't help but laugh when they have a go at atheists for not being religious, though.
    "zomfg ur an afeeist ur evil and ur goin 2 hell blah blah blah..."
    "....yeah. What part of the fact that I'm an atheist makes you think I believe in Hell?"
    I would really, REALLY love to use that comeback one day. xD (And if I'm going to hell for anything it's for stealing a carrot when I was little. =3)

    Aaaaaaaaanyway, I think tomorrow I'm gonna get started on the Oddity story that leads to your cameo. It's going to deal with more plausible things than me having a girlfriend, such as leprechauns winning the lottery and then getting struck by lightning. :3
    Plus Hell has pirates. All other points are invalid. :) Anyway, I obviously don't believe in Heaven or Hell. Or I do but only inasmuch as a carrot-and-stick arrangement to get people to convert, or as an analogy devised to convey a moral message like some Christians think the whole Bible is =)

    Those irritatingly rabid ones just really annoy me, though. As in, the ones who use their faith as an excuse to hate gays/non-Christians/pretty much anybody in the whole world apart from themselves. I think if anything religion should be about being nice to people, and making them 5000 rounds of fish sandwiches and stuff. (And there's your link between Pope Innocent III and fish! :3)

    Good for you, by the way. :) People shouldn't just accept everything the Church (or anyone else for that matter) tells them. They should form their own beliefs based upon them, but not follow them all to the letter. [/fiercely individualist rant]
    Annoyingly hardcore Christians. =) And some of the stupid people on the website of stupid people.
    Anyway, Hell would probably be much better. Heaven's got a better climate, but Hell as more company. (Quote stolen from somebody, I forget who)
    There are many good parts. But I guess it does lose points in the "burning in Hell forever" part of things. =D
    Oh yeah, of course ^^ Sorry, but as an atheist I only have to observe the fun parts of Christian festivals. :)
    I warned you.
    Hilarious as that site is, I do have to try not to consider that these might be actual occurrences, otherwise I would just totally lose the will to continue living. :)
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