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  • Navi speaks English. Midna doesn't.

    Also to me, the most annoying characters are always the best. I get addicted to whatever makes them annoying. I've set my MSN login noise to "Hello!" and it's message noise to "Listen". It's fun.

    My favourite character from Mario is Daisy because she's so annoying.
    Change the subject if you don't want to discuss this.

    (only because you know you're wrong XD)
    To something entirely unrelated.
    Like how your your cat can talk.

    Oh and I was going to say something else to you once you replied but I forgot D:
    Is it a coincidence that you're talking about marriage with Mike straight after Aryett's talking about it with me?

    I think not!
    Send people from "uncomfortable" to "full-on scared"?

    Any chance we could change the subject and forget this whole you-marrying-me thing ever arose? Or, you can keep freaking me out, whatever's good with you. xD
    Maybe so. I imagine it's only if you, like, start going out with one that it becomes a potential problem. xD

    ..and now you've explicitly implied that you like me and have yet to say otherwise, I'm going steadily from "uncomfortable" to "full-on scared". xD
    >< Well, I can't deny it might. But I don't think it will. In fact for the time being I would make it my business to ensure it does not. (Though, it would be great if we got our surnames hyphenated and became Mike and Flora the Foxhog-and Ashes.)

    ...wait, I thought you already had a crush?

    (And I was expecting a little more freaked-out-ness when I pointed out the incestuous aspect. xD)
    I said carer, not career.

    And I really don't see that happening. (The last bit, not the Broadway star bit. Best of luck with that :D) In any case, I'm your awesome older brother in spirit, remember? So if we got married, it'd be like... awesome incest in spirit.
    I says.

    Also you don't like me. If you did they wouldn't let you out of the hospital, at least not without a carer.
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