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  • You know, if I'm the awesome older brother you never had you should officially change your last name to "the Foxhog".
    Nor is the urge to go online at 10am every Sunday, promising yourself you'll get off at some point and go back on later.

    I never do. 10am right through til 9pm some days XD
    Yes, when you want to be less fat, the urge to go out and buy three huge bars of Dairy Milk and a pack of biscuits and hide them in your room is not your friend. XD
    I don't obsess, I'm just fatter than I'd like to be ^^

    I attribute this to a life of endless gaming coupled with inability to exercise brought on by asthma.
    *noms them all in 3 seconds flat*

    They were in an awesome super shop that crosses the Atlantic in seconds, right?

    (And I think I've identified the source of my weight problem. XD)
    By which I mean British biscuits, not American ones, which I call scones. And I'm being quite a hypocrite banning Americanisations from my profile, since I've been using the American pronunciation of "squirrel" all my life... =/
    This awesome concept has been brought to you by the awesomeness of Dannichu's random icons. XD
    Haha, you're right, that an absolutely epic combination.

    Woah, how many floats are there in the Thanksgiving parade?
    I know shamefully little about Thanksgiving. Well, I know about its history, but don't really know how it's celebrated and things except for what's on TV.
    Hehe, Elphie M&Ms, that's amazing XD And Cheno being with the Care Bears is so in-character and adorable. I'm gona have to hunt down clips on youtube or something; ever since they cancelled Pushing Daisies, I've needed more Cheno in my life ):
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