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  • You're welcome~!

    Update update update! Even if you have only a few words, a zero is really discouraging. Also, I think it's helpful to have a proper counter to look at so you can go "well, I'm tired, but if I do a few more I'll get to the next hundred!" And then you'll get to see your stats on the NaNoWriMo site and that can help you get going.

    Also yayyyyy. Go home and write a lot of words! There's always time to catch up, it just takes some effort.

    You can do it, Flora! Just sit down and go "once upon a time my story happened" or "A long long time ago in a NaNoWriMo far far away" or "It was a dark and wordless night..."

    It's easy! You can do it!
    Yayyy now everyone can hang out and do nothing useful in the day discussion again. :D
    I know you did. I was just saying that, in contrast, Tigerstar himself is a bounder and a cad.
    I think she did. She says something about StarClan being right about fire saving her Clan, when the whole paranoid freakout business started with her thinking StarClan had actually sent fire to destroy it. That and Tigerstar trying to murder her.
    I rather liked his line about killing her as many times as it takes before she stops coming back. If he had done it implies he'd've just waited forever for Bluestar to come back to life not realising he'd taken her last life.
    At least she stopped being crazy just beforehand
    I don't think she liked StarClan or trusted any of her own Clan in that book, but it was kind of mired in the subtext and I didn't really get it

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