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  • (Ulqi)
    Wait, wait wait. Let me use my history class skills.
    *takes in a deep breath*
    Okay, so West Germany was controlled by France and England and America during the Cold War and stuff. I think East Germany was controlled by the Soviet Union. Then came the fall of the Berlin Wall, which brunt the reunification of Germany, in... late 1980-something. Like 1988, I can't remember. So...
    Wait, why'd you bring up Prussia?
    Okay, so, uh. England, and Ita-chan, and Kiku-kun, and France-la, and America, and Austria-san... And Germany... They're... countries.
    But spazes are cool.
    Like Prussia when he isn't drunk, or in my dreams.
    ... Fun word, "spaz."

    *already ignoring; in own little world at the moment*
    Tee hee. Spaz. Spaztastic. Spaztastically spaztactical. Spaz, spaz, spaz.
    *lays back on the bed, and holds up the plush*
    I'll... get Marik to tell him something like that later. He apparently believes him, so it'll work out.
    ... But I'm still kind of sad. ;~; Where's an overconfident spaz like Prussia when you need one?
    Oh, well, truth is...
    *voice falls to a whisper*
    I'm not looking forward to going back because he won't let me leave again.
    So... I might just not go altogether...

    ... 0.0"
    Ah... Ooooookay. Um... I... I guess that's... plausible...
    *thinks for a moment*
    ... Then, just for the sake of my father, perhaps we should go somewhere else. Wouldn't want you trying to get close to him or anything.
    N-Not saying you would! No, no, no. I just was saying that in case you did unintentionally, then yeah, uh. Umm.
    I'm just gonna shut up now.
    Yay~! :D

    *closes the door again, and sits on the bed, grabbing the dog plushie she left there (during a time unknown)*
    So... What is it you need to tell me, Frost?
    *runs her fingers across the fabric of the plush, then looks over at Frostagin*
    C'mon, we can talk in here.
    *walks down the hallway to her room, and pushes the button that makes the door slide open*
    *steps aside for Frostagin to come in*
    *smiles, boarding the blimp*
    There's fifty states, Frosty-la. I'm pretty sure he won't be in the same state we're going to. Fat chance, at least.
    *confused frown*
    Um... okay. Whatever you say.
    *turns on her heel and heads back to the blimp*
    I was planing on visiting the Americas, so...
    *quickly moves out of her way before she's knocked over*
    ... Uh, hey. You seem... excited. ^~^
    Awesome skills allow me to make time skip a few minutes.

    *feels the blimp land, and walks out, seeing England's house*
    *walks over to it and knocks on the door*
    Iggy-san? Frosty-la? Are you home?
    *boards the blimp, trying hard not to look back*
    I think Frosty's back at England's still...
    *goes to the room she uses, and throws herself onto the bed, sighing*
    ... God, this "love" concept is going to drive me up the wall.
    ... I just imagined America bursting in and ruining the moment.

    *kisses back*
    *blush brightens*
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