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    aubes98 appears to be offline and will receive your messages after signing in. You can also send a message to aubes98's mobile phone.
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    aubes98: : O
    indigomewtini@ymail.com: HOW IS THE CAT DOING. tell tell
    indigomewtini@ymail.com: D::::
    aubes98: he...i don't think he feels it.
    indigomewtini@ymail.com: Course not.
    indigomewtini@ymail.com: Is he like sleepy?
    aubes98: Wynaut
    aubes98: /ninja
    indigomewtini@ymail.com: is he? :o
    aubes98: eeeeeeeeeeeeeh it's wobbling
    indigomewtini@ymail.com: If he doesn't feel it, it's both good and bad
    aubes98: And no I don't think so, not sleepy
    indigomewtini@ymail.com: I've seen a cat with a broken leg before and helped it
    aubes98: And??
    aubes98: OH GOOD GOD
    indigomewtini@ymail.com: It's good since it makes it easier for you to bandage his leg.
    indigomewtini@ymail.com: But it might mean he's in...shock. :/
    indigomewtini@ymail.com: How alert is he??
    aubes98: ...he's licking it :I
    indigomewtini@ymail.com: Is he alert if you call his name?
    aubes98: Yesh
    indigomewtini@ymail.com: Good.
    aubes98: OH GOD. THE BONE
    indigomewtini@ymail.com: And he's actively engaged? :o
    indigomewtini@ymail.com: I didn't think the fact I've helped something similar to this would ever come in handy, but it is now!
    aubes98: If licking his leg counts, then yes
    indigomewtini@ymail.com: alright
    indigomewtini@ymail.com: So...it's like an open wound?
    aubes98: ...:c he won't stop licking itt
    aubes98: Yess
    indigomewtini@ymail.com: Do you have any clean cloth around?
    aubes98: I think I have gauze...will that work?
    indigomewtini@ymail.com: If it's sterile, yes!
    aubes98: Okay. Nao what
    indigomewtini@ymail.com: Uh...you might want to wash your hands unless you already have
    aubes98: I Have nowww
    indigomewtini@ymail.com: Alright.
    indigomewtini@ymail.com: You want to know why?
    indigomewtini@ymail.com: It's trying to heal right now, and the healing process is rather...itchy.
    indigomewtini@ymail.com: Alright...
    indigomewtini@ymail.com: There's no open blood or anything, you said?
    indigomewtini@ymail.com: Anything odd looking in the wound? At all?
    aubes98: ...he's biting it :c
    indigomewtini@ymail.com: I've told you whyyy~
    indigomewtini@ymail.com: Try to gently guide his head away from his leg and distract him somehow ._.
    indigomewtini@ymail.com: SORRY be RIGHT back
    indigomewtini@ymail.com: back
    indigomewtini@ymail.com: Okay.
    indigomewtini@ymail.com: So, we've got to bandage this leg as soon as possible
    indigomewtini@ymail.com: Uhh...you'll uh, have to move his bone into a proper position ._.
    indigomewtini@ymail.com: This is hard to do without my visually seeing it :c
    aubes98 is typing...
    aubes98: *shoots phone*
    indigomewtini@ymail.com: ...?
    indigomewtini@ymail.com: I'm inside your phooone D:
    indigomewtini@ymail.com: How long as the wound been left open like this?"

    There you go. She hasn't answered my last question yet..

    It's fun!

    even though I suck at it XD I'm not used to Pokemon battling with actual physics.
    A two letter word. Synonym for "above". Opposite of "down".

    In all seriousness, though, I'm kinda worried for Mewtini.
    Yeah... but the attitude at school is not really MLP friendly, so I'm kinda nervous. xD
    He's only been staying for the weekends, it's not really a surprise!

    ...You did know that he gets one weekend off every month, right?
    Say ittttt

    and I'm still ANNOYED >:C

    also Cloudy's actually coming a month later than I thought he was ;-;
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