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  • I ate about two thirds of the box last night, and this thing had a bunch of Nerds in it, like the ones at the movie. :D
    I'm anger-prone if games are too hard, but only if they're supposed to be easy. On things that are supposed to make you smash your laptop, I just laugh. :D
    I've only played one Megaman game, and that was a flash version of it. .o. But I figured it out- I just had to press the shift key. :D

    It is. I haven't gone out yet... D: Except when there was snow. ;D
    I can't even get past the screen with the Zelda theme... D:

    We got out because it's something like negative twenty here. Dx
    No, because the kid looked like a monkey. He also had anger issues.

    He went shirtless Super Saiyan on me once.
    No, you're not that bad at drawing... Or whatever. I just couldn't tell since it was early in the morning for me. :D

    Hi. I saw you bashing yourself over your Ditto scratch. >:/

    Don't. It's wonderful. Just make sure to use only one two pixels of the shade in-between the lightest and main shade- Just like the official sprite. Also, look closely at the official one- Notice how Ditto has a more rounded out head, with shorter lumps. Also, make sure it has two-three lumps, and that you don't cave in the armpit so much. Other than that, it's nice~
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