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  • Hallo :3

    Aww. D: Well, I dunno, I guess to make him feel bad? /fail
    Oh, um. A dead forum. I don't really check up on it anymore.
    I basically just needed something to say to make him sound all badass and stuff so I picked that ^o.o^
    I feel you, bro, I feel you.
    Oooo I do remember some time ago when she mentioned to me on another forum that she liked Artemis Fowl.
    I dunno either; guess we're both clueless! :3
    Baii c:
    Hmm. I had a feeling you'd be the one to answer me.

    A cleansing coma. Rather a fitting name, wouldn't you say, Master? I need to read up on how it differs from self-induced comas, however, and can still remain one in the long-run.

    Hmm. "Arty?" Well, to be brutally honest, it must be shorter than the original "Artemis," yes? Though I can see your side of this as well: Someone of your great mind would probably prefer being called their full name, rather than a nickname.

    Oh, a side-effect, you say? Sounds reasonable. I'd probably suffer from a headache as well if my memories were being leafed through.

    Why, it's my pleasure, Master. Though I deem it extremely malicious to take over a girl's mind against her will, cause troubling headaches and become an overall nuisense for her, I still awe over how one could perform such a feat. It is something to muse over and respect, indeed.
    Ah, that would seem to make more sense, considering your mind has more books. /smart
    And indeed, mind cramps are headaches, but I was referring more to the idea of my mind getting filled up with too many thoughts. I really need to look into a spring cleaning for my brain...
    D: Why is Master Fowl a giver of headaches? That's not very cool...
    Mysti, you are flipping epic sauce.

    I... I can think, yes.

    Oh, is it that messy? Sounds a lot like my own mind, really... Though I must say, it is much more organized that it has been over the years. May I suggest buying filing cabinets?
    And books are nice, yes. I have a whole filing cabinet or two filled with dreams I stored away in a dream journal, and another full of potential roleplaying/fanfiction character sheets.

    Though I do admit, my mind does tend to get a bit cramped with all of the thoughts I have...
    ... Hmm. I will take this information to heart, yes, I will.
    I think I can be able to tell the difference when I compare your typing to his.
    He flipped through your memories? He's that amazing? /stunned
    ... Ah. A genius. That would explain much, yes.
    Well, in this case, I suppose it would be polite to be a bit more formal. And use punctuation.
    Hello, Fowl, I am Ulqi. A pleasure, really.
    Like I said

    To be fair, a few months back I actually watched the first episode to see what all the fuss was about, and didn't see much to it. *shrug*

    Today or tomorrow, I should be able to change it.
    You can call me "The Great and Powerful Trixie", because that'll be my new username in a few days. And Trixie shall speak of herself in third person

    yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes so much yes. Change it to Artemis Fowl. That'll be awesome.

    Oh, and since you ended the day in the username mafia without seeing mine and Mewtwo's rebuttle, can I state my role in teh thread even though it's night? It'd be fair, y'know...
    I just want you to know
    that your mafia caused me to read "Cupcakes"
    and thus is why I'm never watching MLP :D
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