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  • Look at this quite from the first post in my thread.

    "I am taking requests for recolors. I'm afraid I can't splice Sugimori art. I can only recolor it. But I will recolor it in whatever colors you want."

    This also applies to scratching, like when you said to make the cloud look like a jack-o-lantern lid. I can't do that.
    :o That's... a really odd decision. And I don't much agree with shouting at the homeless whilst drunk either.
    ;; Meanie! I'll have you know I was very tired when I typed that.

    "We're basically the same party, you know. Conservatives and Republicans are quite the same." - Klein speaking to reporters in Washington after a 2003 meeting with U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney.
    So, you guys have your own crazy Bush-esque guy runnning around, doing stuff. :o At least he doesn't run the whole place. He sounds insane.
    Really? I though that Canadia schools had more money than US schools? One of my schools couldn't afford chalkboard erasers for the teachers and we always had nurses.

    Also! Canada rocks. :3 I'm jealous.
    Whew. I'm glad you like it. It was actually not extremely hard, just annoying to try to remove the fames for a while and having it look stupid each time.
    Ohhh. I'm lucky then. My parents give me leeway. If I say I'm sick, the I'm sick. Of course, I never take off from school or work, because the whole time I'm at home, I'm thinking 'I should be working / I should be learning. I sohuld be working / I should be learning.' Can't the school nurse send you home? Do you have a fever? My normal temp. is low: 96F / 35.556C, so nurses never believe me when my temp. is high.
    You should've used it as an excuse to stay home! x.x; I so would've done that.
    Also, you're Canadian, aren't you? I'm jealous.
    Hey. :D I read your hints regarding your sickness. What exactly is it? Hope you feel better!
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