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Karkat Vantas
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  • And I've turned into a Squirtle.

    ..fuck that, I'm staying >|

    But aren't you hacving bubble sex right now?

    (why must I ruin everything with my perverted mind and cluster f bombs)
    Yeah, I am. But I just got back home. At any rate, I've posted in the PRO.

    As a side note, your avatar is so d'aww.
    ...I think that's the first time I've said that.
    Haha, I can see that you're getting frustrated, no? :P Typh did warn you that I'd be playing mind games.

    But relax, I probably won't do it again this round. Instead we're probably going to be punching huge holes in each other.
    Yeah, I know. I'm like the ghost of ASB. I haunt every thread there is.

    I'm waiting to see who Dexter's going to target with Payback before I come up with a plan, though.
    I was going to respond with broken English but I couldn't figure out a good way to do it.
    You can bet 10 million cents on that.

    But don't number all of your birds before they are born.
    Uhm... I think that has something to do with the rip on its hand meaning its gun was taken off?... Argh I don't quite remember, look on YouTube or something if that's not it.
    Due to your respect of correct ladder terminology I will aid you.
    Which part do you need help with?
    Zinc indeed is awealot. Specially his way of corking up English expressions.

    Just wait until you get to Case 4, though.
    I'm a tad forgetful. But, will do it soon.

    Like I said, no problem. I can wait. I'd give reffing your other battle a shot, but, distractions have been piling up, not to mention I'll have stuff related to tests to deal with soon, so, I think I've taken about as much battles I can ref for now.
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