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  • Do you use a Windows computer? Push Ctrl+PrtSc (prtsc is near the top of the keyboard.)
    I can make .gif! I use GIMP. Though I prefer not to xD

    Yeah, I just crop them from YouTube screenshots.
    I always liked Dash. But people took her already :c Teehee :3

    I make my own avatars, so...
    Haha XD

    I just don't match Mightmare, that's all. I think I might use a Twilight Sparkle avatar.
    I'll change it again once I find something better. This avatar is too dark and bitter.

    And yay!~
    But i thought sweetie belle said that? mwahaha. I steal lines as much as ash loses pokemon battles :D

    ((referring to welcomes))
    Heyyyy wait a minute, unicorn isn't a pronoun. :c (... I know I had "She/pony" as Dash, but I was thinking of things like "anypony" and "everypony".)
    I know right?

    However I have to go to bed soon since it is about 12:30 AM EST. My bedtime is like 1:00. And it's only 9:30 PM for you >| Luuuucky.
    I'm splicing (yes gooo pixel art) Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy and recoloring with Rainbow Dash's colors.
    (I can barely understand Spanish at all.)


    AG: stop lying
    AA: i can tell that
    AA: you know about terezi
    AA: but
    AA: i'm not really angry
    AA: it's..0kay
    AA: i suppose
    AA: 0u0
    AA: how are you i forgot to ask

    I fail Homestuck so badly.

    stop changing

    And I see you like Terezi Pyrope.

    GC: H3H3H3
    GC: 1 S33 1 H4V3 4 F4N
    GC: H3H3H3

    ...that is probably the worst impersonation of Terezi ever.
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