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LuckyLapras' Duck

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  • you have dogs? luuuckkkyyyyy

    ...well, you're luckylapras what did I expect

    :DDDD updating PC.
    Okay, now for...
    P: P: P: P: p: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P:
    Where's the lowercase P?

    Also, the reason I was searching for a Black ROM is that I beat the game in my cartridge Black and I want to do a Nuzlocke, but I don't want to restart.
    :O :O :O :O :0 :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O
    ...did you see the zero?

    I don't think so about Winter and Trixie.
    yeah, I know about Chrome :P
    It's nice and all, but right now I'm stuck with Safari darn you Pikachu why you take so much exp to level up

    I don't have too many Pokemon in my PC, the Pal Park ones aren't valid until the Catching Show is over and you're not updating cyberspace

    Yes, I am a nagging, nosy nitpicker.
    I just noticed that you haven't updated your PC. (yes i'm a nosy nagging nitpicker)
    Also, on my computer, the Oshawott sprite looks weird. Probably just the laptop screwing up the sprite, but.
    EDIT: Looking for a Black ROM.
    EDIt (again): Found one, but it had a virus. >:(
    Now random windows keep popping up in Safari.
    Gemmies! I should add them too!

    Also, updated Thunderclap for more items (i.e. now it's possible to find Sticks in the Ferris Wheel.) i wanna me more pokaymans cyberspaace
    Just figured out the noparse tags hehehe
    i.e. absol
    becomes absol
    Also, your parents aren't as strict as mine :P
    Mine take my computer every night because I used to pull all-nighters.
    XD okay.

    Also, I'm thinking of adding new items. There's a pretty big chance of getting duplicate items when you have a Partner Pokemon with you. also when is cyberspace gonna update D:
    Also, you might wanna reconsider not catching that Drilbur. (see my post in Thunderclap)

    I should really change the Poke Ball system, but I'm too much of a protagonist to do so. It's like joining the NAP, National Association of Protagonists.
    I got a shiny Wurmple, evolved it into Dustox, male with a brave nature. Don't know what the EVs and IVs are, don't care. :P

    Okay. It's lunchtime where I am. So I'm a little hungry, except I went to the eye doctor's at 7 am today and didn't eat breakfast until 9.
    Oh yeah, I have to post in the Bank to tell Squorn that I have a name change =P
    Also, I would have been Absol but I think it was taken, haha. Thunderclap is updated.
    What the-I just went back downstairs and the box says Old Navy on it! >:( But I'm actually glad I'm getting new clothes. they're all hand-me-downs!
    Oooo...I found a cardboard box sitting out in the open that's about 1 1/2' x 1'. Or, if you use the metric system, 50 cm x 35cm. It's a tiny bit opened, like someone opened it up just to take a tiny peek inside, then closed it up again. I peeked in, and I think I see bubble wrap! Looking through the bubble wrap, I think I see a tiny bit of black. But now I'm back upstairs and thinking of a way to prove to myself that it's really a you-know-what. Wait! It woud say Amazon on it if it really was one!
    No, it's not your lapotop; I think in all older versions of Paint transparent sprites come in with black backgrounds.
    Are you using transparent sprites? .gif transparents seem to come with green; .png transparents come with a black background. This problem is easily solved by getting a screenshot program, then screenshotting the sprites off Bulbapedia/Serebii/Smogon/Veekun/wherever, then paint-bucketing it white.
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