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LuckyLapras' Duck

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  • yep, that's what I linked to.
    Anyway, I'm probably going to switch to my other mac (not w/ Mountain Lion, but has VBA/LeafGreen) so I can play leafgreen and hopefully get part 4.75 up

    Also I'm wasting my time reading this and being weird. So yeah.
    I got a haircut :D
    Then I did homework and had a pretty late lunch so I didn't respond ;.;"
    Well, I figures out a way to get on, but only on weekends (cuz I don't have school. yeah.)
    So, No VBA during the school year so pretty much LeafGreen walkthrough will be dead until december-ish.
    Its my pokemon HG Team pokemon! :3


    Oh and make sure to say happy birthday to karis on the 29th.
    'Kay. Also, Nidoqueen can surf?...Okay.
    Also, I won't be on because school just started and it's not allowed to use laptops for non-academic use.
    Nidorina learns Bite at level 23. Nidoqueen learns Body Slam at level 22 in FRLG. Should I evolve Kira at level 22, 23, or wait until later when she learns Crunch or something?
    Well, I was out. Doing stuff. So I didn't respond earlier. XD
    Either way, I decided I'm going to train Kira because I got a Moon Stone inside Mt. Moon. I should evolve her after Misty because Poison/Ground is weak to Water and I'll probably use her for Staryu (Pika for Starmie, of course.)

    Also, Kira has the worst nature ever: Rash. Both her STABs are Physical in FRLG and Rash is +SpAtk -SpDef. So basically her defenses are lowered and the only thing she gains from it is a plus in a stat she'll probably never even use. She does have Poison Point instead of Rivalry though which I guess is okay.
    Right now I'm reading a Digimon Randomlocke on the Nuzlocke Forums where the person has to do these things. So she needs to find Lillymon. She starts from the City, which is like a base of sorts. She goes to Gabumon, who says Lillymon went to see Woodmon. Woodmon battles her then says Lillymon isn't with him, but she's with RedVegiemon. She goes to RedVegiemon who battles her and then says (surprise) Lillymon is with Cherrymon! Then Cherrymon says that Lillymon left for the City an hour ago.
    plot twists, plot twists
    My stomach on a normal day would be complaining by now because I haven't eaten lunch yet, but luckily today I slept late and ate breakfast at 9.
    ...coloring in geography...? insane

    It's almost lunchtime where I am. I should be doing maths but I did a lot yesterday so...

    Basically my parents' rules about DS/Computer/Wii/etc is that I have to finish 30 min of maths and also do 45 min of music practice. I'm done with music and did an hour of maths yesterday.
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