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LuckyLapras' Duck

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  • welp.

    I guess I just wasted today by looking at random Nuzlockes, surfing the Interweb, playing Professor Layton, eating ice-cream, and not playing LeafGreen one bit. :3

    odd one out
    Whoop! Part 5 is up.

    HellRat fits all raticate, not just shinies o_O
    that nickname... Well, it's kinda revealing for the set.

    Kira evolved. So did Joey. I'm training right now for the last trainer on the Nugget Bridge (I beat Blue.)

    Kira continues to be amazing. Wild pidgeys are trollin' with Sand-Attack.

    also it is time for me to eat some ice-cream
    but I'm too lazy to get up and go get it
    hehe, yup. Also
    also. sorry for not updating thunderclap, I think I'm just going to be listenin' to HappyDragonite, eating ice-cream, and playing LeafGreen for the next hour or so
    Whatever :P
    also Kira is awesome and I'm going to start training her in route 3 instead of route 2 because I think she can handle it
    I have 2 Dalmatians 2 Beagles
    and I haven't taken care of them in a week
    and I'm not allowed to play during the school year

    also kira just learned double kick
    found it.
    Now to have it boot up.
    And to multitaskily awesomely play Professor Layton 2 on my DSi, read the Nintendogs Wikia, search Bulbapedia, post on the forums, and play LeafGreen. Good times~
    rumor = wrong

    Well, I only have Ranger and Ranger 2 so I guess...

    where are you maac ;.;
    never really thought much of ranger 3 because I heard rumors that after you beat the game you can only do "special" postgame missions and you can't even just go and explore around and do quests/missions/etc
    ...lolol just posted a vm on my own profile.
    excuse me while I go find my other mac
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