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LuckyLapras' Duck

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  • Welp.
    Maths time! OHKOs have 30 + [ (user's level) - (target's level) ] acc in BW/BW2. Fails if the user is a lower level than the target. before gen 5, it was just plain 30

    ...so thats why that spheals sheer cold killed mah swanna in black herp (not nuzlocke, thankfully)
    also building two teams to take down a friend =D
    ...except for that one time in Tribute where you got those line-shaped dragons.
    I am seriously doubting my knowledge of the type chart now. And I am also seriously doubting my fic reviewing skills now.
    In this Pal Park excursion, I'm going to keep exploring the forest, not catching anything unless it's a thingie that I like or a Sceptile (which I'm really there for.) Once I get a sceptile/have only 1 ball left I'll switch to the Mountain in hopes of getting an Absol. =P
    ugh school

    also pokemon hide-tag is broken, fuwante hide-tag doesn't end (thus making it seem like you have fewer Pokemon than you do) what why am I nitpicking on someone else's personal computargh

    looks like karis is back, huh?
    meh. found out a way to get on pretty much every day, but probably won't use it
    So sorry ive been gone so long. please forgive me, because this is coming from a kindle fire! did they come out for you yet?
    Yep. Trying to find a good randomlocke/metronomelocke hack of a VBA game so I can play it after I'm done with LeafGreen. because i don't want to go through the trouble of downloading desmume, even though black would be cools.
    ALSO about your new user title:
    299.792458 m7 / s
    which is actually quite fast (I mean, most cities don't have a meters-to-the-seventh-power-per-second limit, but.)
    Also, just got some grinding down. Pika hates Bellsprouts.
    and apparently "a few" means eighty. derp derp I've got a piano lesson so I'll play LG tomorrow, I guess
    after I join the national association of procrastinators
    AE, OE, annd.... something. Random symbols FTW.
    Also, switching computers in a few minutes so I can play VBA and beat Misty in LG.
    Oh. They don't have Code Red in England? My bad XD
    Basically Cod Red = intruder on campus, be it a rabid dog or a guy with a paintball gun. And I think I read somewhere that England is totally devoid of rabies, so I guess you don't have to worry about that. As for the guy with the paintball gun, my science teacher said that once some guy who was going to go to a paintball fight accidentally came on to campus, someone saw his paintball gun thought it was a real one and started a Code Red lockdown. :P
    In my experience with drills, Code Red > Earthquake > Fire any day, because hiding behind a stack of desks is always cool.
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