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LuckyLapras' Duck

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  • c:

    watching this (well, listening to) while reading nuzlockes on the [nuzlocke] forum! fun!


    Nuzlocke update in maybe four hours, depends on how long it takes me to train Moz.

    yes all from memory yes yessss

    oh yeah like two years ago I won my school's "Memorize Pi" contest
    because no-one even tried to win
    so I won

    OH and congrats on becoming a butterfree!


    you just blew my mind

    Also, expect a grind-update for mah Nuzlocke maybe in like five hours or something?
    ah that's fine

    but iiiffff you really do want spoilers

    ...maybe this is late
    ...Anyway. As I've said I won't be online until maybe early Saturday... But then I has a long weekend so I'll be online on monday. Yay!

    ugh ctrl-O.

    And I had this dream that I found a shiny Vulpix for my first encounter in the route north of Lavender, but then I ran out of Poke Balls, so I had to kill it (the Onix ate all three of my Poke Balls so I only has 2 great balls.)
    And that would be "HyperAggron," who cannot be welcomed by VM as of right now (xe hasn't done the approvalconfirmationthingy on xir account yet.)

    edit: and LoveIsInTheAir has joined, but has also not done the approvalconfirmationthingy.

    ...and my nuzlocke has updated, with first blood and ctrl-O galore.
    ! Also as a heads-up, next monday - friday, possibly more, I'll have no internet access.
    Yes it does. I'm actually working on a one-shot right around now, I might upload it to the forums or something when I'm done.

    [read: working means I've typed up one word. raaah procrastination]

    I probably won't get it til Christmas, honestly. Or I'll get the ROM and play it on the computer. Not sure.

    ...that is, if I can find a proper ROM that actually works on this computer. so far, nothing. Not even a black rom works, though gen iv does...
    Haven't got it yet =P. I've been sick, explaining my absence of almost a week.
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