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LuckyLapras' Duck

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  • well, kyntelle did

    ...wonder why they didn't revive thunderclap

    (oh snap it must be the limit)

    Also, I just realized you have a great bargain in Cyberspace; up to 100 Pogeymans for just $2, if you're patient.
    Also, 2 new SZers, and new avatar! My goal is to finish LeafGreen nuzlp by Christmas.
    oh yeah!



    also: Nuzlocke update, new avatar! =0
    Just a thing: finals are coming in early december! so I won't be on from... uh... I don't remember the dates o_o
    I read that before it was in strikethrough.

    Don't freeze me to death. That's what G-Cis does. Don't be a G-Cis.

    Excuse me. I guess his name is Ghetsis. I'm so used to calling things by their Japanese names...
    According to my iTunes playlist, 31 videos, 2.6 hours. The series is almost mothy's entire discography.
    Yeah, they might take awhile. At least I didn't give you a playlist for The Evillious Chronicles (mothy's series).
    Well, let me make you a playlist for both series.


    Star Girl and the Illusory Musical
    Ugh, and World is Mine is the worst of them. Odds and Ends isn't so awful, though.

    Are you up to date with cosMo's newest series, Star Girl and the Illusory Musical? It's pretty awesome.
    Been a fan for about three years. Someone here posted a cover of KOKORO and that was it.

    Not a big fan of Ryo, mostly because his tuning is bad (then again, so is mothy's) and I don't like really high Miku.

    I also own Oliver and spend a lot of time with UTAU.
    So you're another VOCALOID fan? I see you like Miku. My favorites are VY2, GUMI, and IA.

    Any favorite producers? I love Hachi, mothy, Jin, and cosMo. Hachi for lyrics and music, mothy and Jin for story, and cosMo for story and music.
    "And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor" had to be shortened to "each dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor" to fit as a user title. >:|
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