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LuckyLapras' Duck

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  • It's a pain to enter Wonder Mail passwords, though, so it might actually take some time even though the missions are supereasy.

    /also, restarted my PMD2 and now have a Mudkip/Charmander.
    Gotta shower, brb
    They're not the same as PMD2 if you wanted those. I think you rescue Spiritomb on these missions, which will give you a total of 20 seeds
    #3 and 4 together
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    I'm not sure if it's the same in PMD3, but this is what it is in PMD2:
    You have to enter a Wonder Mail password to unlock a mission where you rescue some pokemon (I think it's either a spiritomb or a blaziken) in Mt. Bristle and get 5 "Golden Seeds" as reward. If you eat a Golden Seed, you gain 5 levels. Like Rare Candy but better...
    Have you done the Golden Seed missions? They really helped me with Dialga.
    Oh :)
    I HATE Team Skull especially in the Apple Woods mission but at least they're better than Team Meanies in PMD1.
    Wigglytuff is cheap
    Even once you've graduated, you still have to give your 90% of the money to them :/
    Well, you don't have to do it to progress in the story
    Where are you in the main story? I know you haven't graduated from Wigglytuff's Guild yet (then you would have unlocked In The Future of Darkness)
    which is it? *checks Bulbapedia*
    "Here Comes Team Charm"

    oh god
    I still don't get why they picked Medicham for Team Charm.
    When I got "PMD3" it was actually a PMD3 case and booklet but a PMD2 chip, which I didn't realize until I saw that there were no special missions
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