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LuckyLapras' Duck

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  • Um... I dont know how to put this... but could you delete the message you wrote i the adoptables shop? it was very helpful, i posted the sprite up there and gave you credit for the finding the resource, but i kind of want to make it look like the sprites are from the group. I dont mean to sound... mean!
    Oh. i get it. you dont want to be a lapras dude, but rather a GENDERLESS BLACK BAR! The mystery is solved! (i did read the bar. So do i...
    Woh. your prefered pronoun is he. apperently not. 0.0 is right dB. That was disturbing.
    Mowtom like pretty draaawings... MOWTOM WANT JOIN! But you has no Wi-Fi till christmas...

    (oh and have you seen my signature? its a lapras! :) thanks. oh and i will call you a guy from now on... @_@
    Ill be sure to contact you when your mission starts. oh, and your bank link wont work for meh... it might be my ds` stupid internet. Could you just please post a new one though? Oh. And more on the RoR, could you please try to make the animated sprite work? I used your website but... OH I WISH I HAD SOMETHING TO GIVE YOOOU! I feel bad about asking these favors :(
    I wonder how you know o_O
    I was just on a pretty long flight and in around 20 minutes I'll be boarding an even longer one...
    Shiny Tynamo, huh? *looks up*...doesn't look all that different from normal tynamo.
    according to Bulbapedia, Stantler can have Intimidate or Frisk.
    I'm kinda leaning towards Cordelia, what do you think?
    I haven't had time to check the ability, but if it's early bird...
    [insert sound of morty being pwned]
    eh that's ok i'll just go here and find something
    the problem is, shakespeare didn't have a lot of girls in his plays
    and that's a problem, because now i have four pokemon that are female
    the thing ate up all of my Poke Balls (I had 9) at red HP, paralyzed.
    But then I caught it in Premier Ball.
    Whoa! Wild Stantler (rt 37 catch)
    I have no idea what to name this thing (female)
    so can you help me out with shakespearean names? XD
    Anyway, for some reason I made the Newbies section invisible on the index so yeah I missed a bunch of newbies, including you
    but now you have a higher post count than me T_T

    aaa tcod is being really slow for me right now so I'm going to log off and then log back on.
    AWW YEAH WIGGLYTUFFS! wigglytuff
    as i type this, i am ignoring the fact that someones wigglytuffs almost killed my nidorino in soulsilver
    It's still light out where I am and will be for a few more hours.
    but where you are, it's dark I'm guessing?
    My fav? It's actually Zangoose XD
    When I joined, it was Absol, so it's in my username, but I started liking Zangoose more and more.
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