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LuckyLapras' Duck

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  • ah, togetic eh?
    well you don't see much of my misdreavus side here
    most people are togetics
    okay, reasons for wpay stuff:
    1) I don't think you like being alone/solitary. you welcome all the newbies warm-heartedly, and you're not too defensive. That rules out Cubone, Mewtwo, Shellder and Tyrogue.
    2) You don't seem like a super pessimist or optimist. That rules out Banette, Murkrow, Absol, Pachirisu, and Ninetales.
    3) Based on your last "Insanity" post, you seem to be a person who's okay with participating in subjective discussion and you don't remain neutral about most stuff you care about, sadly ruling out Lapras and Porygon.
    okay, anyway, since I'm not really sure what you are, I'm going to give a list of what I think you aren't:
    Banette, Cubone, Haunter, Lapras, Magikarp, Murkrow, Ninetales, Pachirisu, Porygon, Shellder, Slaking, Tyrogue.
    So that leaves you with Tyranitar and Slowking; reasons in next vm.
    waaah, that's a lot...
    Well, first you should answer a question about me so I can get a better perspective on your personality: Am I a teddiursa, togetic, or misdreavus?
    Kirlia is boingy so I like it~
    Also, you have fewer than 100 posts more than me now!
    Nah, I don't really like Gallade's animation though I do like the colorz.
    if you own the only lapotop in the world, how and why would I use one?
    I will be flying later today.
    And then I have to get wi-fi set up at the hotel.
    And then I have to get online.
    So I probably won't be able to VM you for a while.
    Okay, got type quiz stuff:
    click here and change "poison" in url to what type you want (???-type not included, I'm figuring out how to do that.)
    go here and change poochyena to whatever you want to be (in the results here)
    be warned that it won't be your own personality though XD
    I'm Teddiursa / Misdreavus in real life; I'll get type images later.
    I figured out an easy way of getting all the personality quiz images [including absol and lapras] without randomizing the answers, yay!
    serebii is usually right but if veekun or smogon or some other place contradicts it, the other place is usually right.
    no there aren't any newbies, nbank2221 is still the newest and he made a thread
    anyway, sorry about the wonder mail s codes
    also, caught a torkoal in sapphire nuzlocke. he's underleveled.
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