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LuckyLapras' Duck

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  • I posted in the safari zone! Oh, and how do you make rotoms forms sprites? those  ones.
    Sorry about those false "im readys" But now i seriously AM ready, meet me at the safari zone. I will WAIT UNTIL YOU COME AND RESPOND.
    I'm really sorry, my image over-layer apparently hates me now, so I can't do the signature you requested.
    darn you forum server lag
    Anyway, what are your tips for Pal Park catches?
    [also, going to bed really really soon]
    I figured out the PC and areas part...
    also once I'm approved I might (might!) join your area, Cyberspace.
    before that Imma catch some stuff at Pal Park, field or mountain area
    Also I'm going to go to sleep soon, and I'm flying home tomorrow. So I probably won't be active for a while *yawn*
    Joined. Ish. (posted in the bank, but haven't been approved... yet.)
    You have to have been approved to do everything else, right?
    Even though I'm not part of the safari zone, areas sound kinda cool. and yours... has a spelling area! (You spelled sprite wrong on one of your posts on the last page.)
    Also, how do I join the SZ?
    I'm pretty busy figuring out stat stages for a potential Double Team + BrightPowder set from Butterfree's guide on the main site, so don't expect me to answer VMs this fast.
    careful is +SpDef, so careful = better than modest
    i think you misread something
    Depends on whether you want to raise or lower Sp. Attack (are you doing a special-based set or not?) If you do, Modest (+SpAtk -Atk) is the way to go, if not, Careful (+SpDef -SpAtk) is better for tank-ness.
    If they aren't and you want a certain nature, there's a 4 per cent chance, if you just want to raise a certain stat, 20 per cent.
    oh, you're breeding them yourself?
    If genders are involved (say you want a female Relicanth with Quirky nature) then there's a 0.5 per cent chance every egg that you'll get what you want. =P
    Quiet -Speed, +Sp.Attack, that's bad because Lilligant has high Sp.Atk and Speed.
    No. mine will pwn yours.FEEL MY LEAF STORMY MOWTOM WRATH! oh. are you ready yet?
    rash rash rash
    well charizard's nature shouldn't be too hard to figure out (hint: "timid" or "jolly")
    Jolly is a good nature, one of the ones I like.
    So, have you figured out EVs? also does liligant have own tempo or chlorophyll?
    Also, if Lilligant is Quiet, that's pretty bad (-Spe)
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