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LuckyLapras' Duck

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  • Oh yeah, I saw Mowtom asking how you do mowtom's sprite; it's Rotom-grass. =D
    [yay for triple VMing, there's not a rule against that is there?]
    I had an idea: you know how Pal Park [and most other SZ areas] lets you bring a Partner Pokemon with you? In Thunderclap Amusement Park [finally decided on a name] you have a chance of finding items with Pokemon, but you also have a chance of scaring Pokemon away. If you bring a Partner Pokemon, you can increase your chance of finding items (especially so if the Partner Pokemon is a species that can have the ability Pickup) but you increase the chances of scaring Pokemon away.
    I was thinking, to prevent people from taking FIVE HOURS to update their PC afterwards, every 5 Pokemon caught you let players deposit the 5 in their PC. Also, I added personalities for the 4 Pokemon in my PC.
    Oh, and what would boxes do? [i don't get it]
    Balls: [hehe] Okay, so you have to pay for Poke Balls. 5 of them cost $2, and 10 cost $3. You can bring a max of 15 in. I increased the entrance fees to $4 for 1 ride, $6 for 2, $8 for 3. Special packages: 1-ride ticket + 5 Poke Balls is just $5, and 3-rides ticket + 15 Poke Balls is $12. You can come back to the entrance when you run out of Poke Balls to restock, but you'll have to pay your entrance fee again. =P

    PC: Thanks! It's kinda like a mix between a real-life computer and a PC in the games.
    Sorry for not responding earlier, I was asleep [and kinda sick.] Also, should I make it so that some complimentary Poke Balls come with the ride tickets (like Pal Park) there are unlimited Balls (like Cyberspace) or so that you have to buy them separately? The entrance fees are $3 for 1 ride, $5 for 2, and $7 for 3, but I can increase them if I want.
    I don't wake up to many VMs because my only active conversations are this one and the (relatively new) one between me and Mowtom. Also, today I woke up at 9:15.
    "Ride Exclusive" means that after you encounter (not catch) 5 Pokemon, the ride will appear. You can get on the ride, and if you do, I'll RNG 2 Pokemon from the list of "Ride Exclusive" and "Common" Pokemon. They will be on the ride, and you can catch them if you want. After you get on the ride once, you have to buy another ticket to get in again. =P
    Rotom Do you know how i can do that sprite in lawnmower form? Its pc sprite is really cool
    You got $2 from me

    Common: BulbasaurLotadSeedotParasVenipedeSewaddleAzurillMinccinoLillipupBidoofWingullPidgeyDeerlingPoliwagHoothootTaillowPidoveStarlyCombeeRattata
    Uncommon: IvysaurWhirlipedeSwadloonPoliwhirlPidgeottoMarillTranquillLombreNuzleafHerdier
    Rare: VenusaurLeavannyPolitoedAzumarillUnfezant
    Extremely Rare: Lapras
    Ride Exclusive: NoctowlParasectPelipperSawsbuck

    Common: CharmanderPikachuMareepMagnemiteGeodudeNumelSlugmaAronMagbyBlitzleDrilburSandileGrowlitheVulpixVoltorbGligarBronzorKlinkFerroseedShinx
    Uncommon: CharmeleonKrokorokFlaaffyMagmarGravelerLuxioKlangMagcargoMagnetonRaichu
    Rare: CharizardLaironKrookodileAmpharosMagcargo
    Extremely Rare: Aggron
    Ride Exclusive: FerrothornElectrodeGliscorCamerupt

    Common: MachopMedititeSneaselDeinoGastlyShuppetSableyeAbraDrifloonLitwickGolettDuskullUnown (A, E, I, O, U, Y) BaltoyYamaskPawniardMienfooCarvanhaMakuhitaMankey
    Uncommon: Unown (B, F, J, P, V, Z) HaunterMachokeKirliaLampentKadabraMedichamDusclopsBanetteSharpedo
    Rare: AlakazamZweilousMachampChandelureGardevoir
    Extremely Rare: Hydreigon
    Ride Exclusive: GalladeWeavileDrifblimGolurk
    So what do you think? If this area was actually real, would you go?
    WHAT I DID?!
    I DID!!

    and now I was just gonna ask alraune if you could get shinies there, heh...
    jinxed, in a good way

    RNGs love me and hate me
    I got a Klang as first encounter in Pal Park, which is okay for me.
    Oh, and I woke up at 11 am this morning. jet laag
    Also, I don't think Squorn's given out any allowances yet because I still have $30 from playing in the Backdoor Museum, it's probably from all those people playing in cyberspace
    I thought of a new area design (my future one?) where it's despicably hard to obtain a super-rare: 1.5625%, 1 in 64. Not as bad as getting a Quirky Female Relicanth, but it's more rare than your super-rare, heh. Basically, in the RNG, I make it run 1 to 64. Everything from 1 to 56 yields a "Common," everything from 56 to 60 yields an "Uncommon," everything from 61 to 63 yields a "Rare," and 64 yields an "Extremely Rare." So, you have a 7/8 chance of getting a Common, 5/64 of getting Uncommon, 3/64 of getting a Rare, and 1/64 of getting an Extremely Rare. But I don't have enough monies to pay for an area yet, so I'm going to hold off for awhile...
    [long VMs FTW!]
    I got reported for spamming. :( I was reported by Charmeleau, who isnt even a member of the group i so-called spammed in. I had a suspicion it might slightly count as spam, but i just was curious what micro/macro was, so i asked the people who would know the most- the micro/macro fan club!! But no answer, just a report by some Charmeleau stranger.(I admit it, i did ask "does this count as spamming" in the question, but it was more of a two-questions-in-one thing than an If so, please report me :) thing. Karis also got reported by Charmeleau. Did you?
    About the visitor messages: (DIFFERENT TIME ZONES GET USED TO IT! THIS IS THE FRIGGIN INTERNET!) Jk. And i felled out the form andd my user bar shall be awesome!! And i have brownies now but they're mine! ALL MINE! BWAHAHAHAHA! NONE FOR YOU!

    ps. i have requests in like five different art shops. Sheesh, most of them seem shut down, but it said requests open. :|

    pps. yeah i just got up and my sisters friend is snoring loudly enough to cause eartquakes. And, completely off subject, The reason im barely at cyberspace is because i have to switch to my computer (im on my ds, and it cant load the page) to post there.
    Somebody false reported me for spamming and made get 10 points! Mowtom said that if you get 50 points you're temporarily banned from the site! ): Do you think I spam? I didn't think I was a spammer..... I only talk to my friends anyway!!!!

    P.S. Do you like my cool new icon?
    I wanted an icon from the shop of silent toasters, but richie said i had to "use the forms". Id ask her what it meant but im still not able to contact her. :( there is no user messages tab for me to click.
    Blehh I hated the flight back... I threw up and lost my favorite pair of socks.
    Anyways, where do you apply to start an area?
    Figured it out, but I'm going to wait a few allowances because I basically blew all my money except $30 in the Backdoor Museum will blow all my money at Pal Park am lazy ...want to save up some more money before I make any big purchases.
    Got it. If only soupfish saw you now, now a lapras, but a magikarp!
    Respond yet?
    Good! Indigo and Emmet had better say their prayers! Emmet and indigo-> Igglybuff Rattata You-> Arceus You ready for the safari zone? Have you responded?
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