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LuckyLapras' Duck

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  • yeah, I think.
    but you might want a speed-boosting nature like Jolly (+speed, -sp. attack)
    also, sorry for not responding earlier, I was at the zoo the whole day.
    Cyberspace... Can i play? It looks fun and *looks in a mirror* there is a certain worlds awesomest pokemon you can catch.
    In my dachèt gts shop, Is there any currency that i may use? i sort of like bidoof but i dont need a whole pc full. Speaking of fish jumpers money, do you know any safari zone that doesn`t charge it?


    Mow Mow Mow thats what i say too, when i tear whoever wrote that song to shreds! <3 arent i sweet<3
    also, a suggested Mienshao set that kind of works:
    <regenerator> @life orb
    fake out
    grass knot
    hi jump kick

    So basically the idea here is to Fake Out on the first turn, then either hi jump kick or grass knot spam until you're low hp, then U-Turn out for Regenerator heal. if at any time you face something you can't 'kick or 'knot, u-turn out even if it's NVE so you can heal off any life orb damage and also switch for a counter. If you want more healing but less awesomeness, you can use drain punch as a replacement for hi jump kick.
    Ooh flygon :D
    remember not to give it any special moves, okies?
    also, you should use at least one pokemon with entry hazards because ENTRY HAZARDS ARE AMAZING
    seriously, with 3 layers of Spikes and some Stealth Rocks set up, practically every 'mon that comes in will be at half health.
    it's 7 pm in australia, where I am now (on holiday.)
    anyway, your team seems to be really offensively oriented. movesets?
    also please tell me your mienshao abuses u-turn/regenerator
    My sister's fav type is steel, and it took like 10 min to get the answers for steel for her because there is no randomize answers button. :(
    [some people say B2W2, I personally prefer BW2 since it's shorter and easier to type.]
    dragon types are level-headed but there is a dreamer side to them.
    also, I have a new album, and i'm making a lapras for it right now.
    the ice type actually fits you pretty well, but you're not really too "unshakingly calm" imo...
    also, what about types?
    and the wpay and wtay in your sig do you want to change it or leave it?
    [you don't seem cynical; almost half of the types say "cynical" somewhere]
    so now I can say that my best friend, online friend, and sister are all tyranitarz :)
    Well if anyone asks, you can say that AA thinks that you're a tyranitar/slowking
    And you know how to get the images.
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