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  • So on another note, I've been on a kick of arranging some video game music - mostly Hamtaro but also a handful of GSC things and also Kirby - for piano. Maybe I'll arrange the RSE Gym Leader theme and that can finally be me playing it
    There's a few times in Pokecapn's crew's LP where they're like unable to jump off the ceiling/wall due to really fucked up gravity. This game is terrific
    I SAW THAT ONCE when looking up some Sonic 06-related videos. (If you haven't seen "Sonic Takes a Walk" or "The Worst Sonic Fanfiction" videos, you need to.) Is it any good?
    I'm not the biggest Game Grumps fan (they suck at every game they play and know nothing about the games they play. Why can't I make a living doing that??) but their Sonic Boom LP is honestly amusing and showcases a bunch of crazy shit with the game. I recommend checking it out lol
    Well according to the Wiki page it was developed by some Canadian company so maybe not idk

    We have it! And we're planning to play it in a couple weeks when VM comes to visit. It's gonna be awesome :V I might try to record it and post the videos to Youtube a la Pokecapn's crew
    Well, Silver shows up in a later game or two from what I remember, so that implies he still exists, though it's harder to tell if Blaze is supposed to come back because her appearance in Sonic Rush before Sonic 06 complicates things. But she didn't show up at any point in Sonic 06 after making her sacrifice, not even in the timeless void area where everyone (including Silver who is still in the future) gets teleported after Sonic dies.

    I'm just a sucker for time traveling characters in general, I guess :V idk man not having played any other sonic games means I can't talk about other characters lol.
    No wait I take that back my favorite is STICKS THE JUNGLE BADGER
    Mephiles just being an asshole is the only explanation I can come up with. The whole time travel thing is inconsistent and makes 0 sense. (Like if Blaze seals Iblis inside her and teleports to another dimension, why isn't that undone when Elise and Sonic prevent Iblis from ever rising in the first place? And why are Elise and Sonic able to change the past when it was already shown that Shadow and Silver did what time "expected" them to do by going back in time, giving Elise her Chaos Emerald, and sealing Mephiles in the Scepter of Darkness? I'm normally a complete time travel fanatic but even I can't wrap my head around the way this plot is meant to work.)

    Silver is actually my favorite sonic character lmao
    Quantity over quality, that's how the pros do it

    Yeah Elise is pointless other than being the friggn Iblis Trigger. "It looks like the princess has been moved to another location!" Thank you Tails, that means the entirety of Wave Ocean was useless. And Radical Train. And every other fucking level in Sonic's section of the game. Gotta love it when there's no point to levels.
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