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  • My friends and I (one of whom is a gigantic sonic nut with a hard-on for shadow) have had many a discussion about the potential of sonic 06 and we agreed it easily could have been an actually good game, if they'd just ironed out the issues with the engine and maybe given the plot a bit of an overhaul as well. But I didn't actually know that it was meant to be SA3, that's actually sad :(
    I've never played another sonic game really, but my sonic-nut friend did get me to start playing SA2, also VM wanted me to do that too. I was immediately immensely bothered by the lack of a camera-change button and I kept trying to move the camera with the C-stick in the hopes it would do something. It didn't :(

    Elise is best character u are wrong. So well-developed and nuanced and her struggles as a furry are deep for the time
    We haven't really had many glitches (apart from funky collision detection and not being able to figure out the mechanics behind Shadow's vehicles exploding) per se but the control is wonky as all hell and we spent far more time than we should have on Radical Train and Kingdom Valley as Sonic. (We haven't finished Shadow's story yet though so I am so looking forward to the end of that and the Last Story) But we're actually kind of enjoying it, in a twisted way. The control is the worst thing though, it's so terribly sensitive and overblown. I'm too used to SM64 :(

    The PS3 version gets worse ratings, likely because it was released later and didn't fix, like, any of the issues. That's why we played with the PS3 version (well that and my best friend has a PS3 and the only person I know with a 360 is my ex-boyfriend).

    Did you actually take any issue with it while playing (just to shove it down deep inside you) or was it really actually awesome?
    That's fair, I guess. I haven't ever owned an actual shit-tier video game so I don't have experience to speak from. (Some difficult ones, yes, like half my Kirby library, but not shit-tier.)
    I did play Sonic 06 recently with friends though and that was kind of infuriating.

    Still want a nintoaster :(
    I just wanted to watch Action 52 again and found myself looking at some of the newer videos. (Like Big Rigs.)

    I would argue that Big Rigs and the Bible Games are so-bad-it's-good lol
    Oh and the CD-i Nintendo property games
    you know I've actually been on an AVGN kick recently, funnily enough, and he had a segment at the end of one of his recent videos where he's like "i'm trying to warn everyone about these bad video games... but they SEEK THEM OUT ANYWAY... I have failed" and I feel like this is exactly what's going on in this conversation
    that's about $6 US dollars, which is a little less than what I paid for the 3DS port of Kirby's Adventure, an actually good game... hmm... honestly it's tempting but iunno
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