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  • Looking at it, shiny Quilladin looks like one of the minions of a generic dark lord from an '80s cartoon.
    If they wanted to negate the rock weakness, they could've always gone with ground or steel for Emboar. Yeah, there are 4x weaknesses there, but it's not like starters haven't had those before.

    VI was pretty good with starters. Delphox is awesome, Greninja is awesome, I wasn't a fan of Chesnaught at first but it grew on me. But the less said about Quilladin the better.
    Serperior is my fave grass starter and Samurott is badass as well. I'll agree with you about Emboar though.

    For me it's the IV starters that I'm most negative towards. I don't dislike them per se, they just aren't that notable compared to ninja phoenixes and flower dinosaurs and cannon turtles.
    It's true that Pokemon puts so much emphasis on "Be a master!" that it doesn't consider what you can do after you've become one.

    That's fair. I've never played GS/HGSS but apparently the whole two-region thing is good for a lot of people's nostalgia.
    Is that a missile?

    But Johto has Qwilfish and stupid elephants. Then again, it also has Feraligatr and Ampharos, so I guess it balances out.

    I did another pretend roll, so now you have Tyrunt. At least you're not in Johto anymore?
    It's one of those guys holding out their arms. Maybe I should've done something like this \_('.')_/ instead.
    The RNG gods don't hate you, I'm sure! Look, I'll do a pretend roll and see how you do!

    ... You got Entei. And then you got Qwilfish. I'm not sure what to tell you.
    But then they'd get up with not having as much as us. It's like the French Revolution, only with the internet.
    It's hard to be happy for someone when you're not happy yourself. It's a sad but inevitable truth.
    True. But for people who have billions of arena ideas, that probably isn't very helpful.
    That would be a great idea! Very useful for people who aren't sure where to battle and don't want to trudge through the Challenge Board.
    Well now you know! And honestly I might have to steal the arena someday, since it's really fun reffing it and it seems like it would be fun battling with it.
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