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  • That's the point

    We should just make it take place in a city, except the people are all bears. The bears don't care if they get attacked, but they like to watch the battle
    I wanted to wait for her to come back but really like... when she comes back she wouldn't even remember what was going on in the battle anyway so I guess it wouldn't be much fun. I guess we should just close it? :(
    Yes I definitely do know

    And 2v2 Single works for me. I'm bad at arenas too since my most recent one is literally a cube of bees
    Actual thought process of mine: "Sangfroidish... SANG FWA ISH. Ha, I guess that's how you'd pronounce his name if it was a French word."

    *Looks up sang froid.* Oh wait.

    And yes, I've been reading it as SANG FREUD ISH this whole time.
    Or will you become an all powerful Bear-Man
    That could work out. It would also encourage cooperation and manners in bear society
    Then maybe you will be spared when they decide to take over human society.
    The bears just attach spikes to their tables in place of plates and impale their dinners on there. That way they are able to cut their food with the combination fork-knife
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