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  • Good c:

    ah, thanks <3

    haha, i flipped out at the state fair this year because i was stuck between a flood of people and couldn't get out :x



    i die in complete silence. and tight spaces. :x ironically enough, most people think i belong in rehab. :x
    Chocolate axe :9 like in that commercial where the guy is made of chocolate and stuff 8D;

    IT DOES 8D

    I think it's gone now :3

    seriously smell me i smell like handsome chocolate teenager 8D
    i'm just saying i'm rather on-off on behavior and mood and shit like that


    ...i am still addicted to my axe ;;

    hhhhrrrrrnnng i am just unstable and stuff ;;

    i understand though :x

    *drinks coffee*
    Typh is awesome that way <3 she lifted me out of depression and stopped me from suicide <3333
    take it from a guy whom everyone wants dead - fuck them. don't beat yourself up over what other retards are doing to you. they're just looking for sex and shit most likely. :|

    having never experienced that, or liking being held (hissssss) i've no knowledge in that field.
    :| guys are fucking jerks. i think i can honestly say i am one of the few boys i know with no desire for sex. :| god, i mean, who the fuck lies to their friend? like, your parents i get, but what the fuck.

    ...that's shit. [near] everyone deserves someone. i think you do too.


    i mean, i'm only 13 - my advice is shit compared to most people's, so :\

    but fuck those dumbasses. let them rot.
    well then i can't help you :|

    just listen to some music or something? idk really, since usually green day makes me feel better :x
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