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  • If you have any doubts, I'll just be directing you to the Psych-Outs. :D I mean, the fact that they're having so much fun with it is awesome and fagasga why am I not folowing psychwrites again? D: Remedying~!
    Psh, Lassie secretly likes it. Remeber that lj post I gave you with the writers being amazing? "Pan-sexual, omni-sexual... Whatever. If there's "sex" in the word, Lassie embodies it." I ju--<333 This is even better than the time they were making Psych lyrics to "Party in the USA" (can't tell if they made it up or if it was fan-submitted, but either way, awesome. Especially since one is Lassie won't do a nude handshake! / Guess it kinda makes our heart break!) and maybe, maaaybe better than the panel, but it has tapdancing!Dule Hill, and how d'you beat that?

    ...Really? :D

    Yes, it is.
    He drags Lassie into it too. "Please?" "No." "Please?" "No." "I'll let you tie me up?" "...*drags Shawn into bedroom*"

    Psh, I can't spell D:

    Nuuu, that was after the earthquaaake ;-; (Actualy, I heard the earthquake slightly muddled with the earth's core, and we lost a millisecond of the day.)
    ...rawr kinky. Shawn's probably into that (the character, not the Girafarig.).

    NidoGuy, I thought the name kinda...no? Yeah, no, pretty ardroganous name thar.

    Yesss she came out of nowhere and if you heard the earth rumble, it was from the power of me being all 'HOLY FUCKING SHIT." (Last time I saw a shiny, it was before my Pokeballs ;-;)
    And my Lassie!Houndoom kicks all kinda of ass. I'm planning on trading my PtShawn!Girafarig (I have one in SS, but it's not that strong and in Platnium I can teach Shawnie some very nice tricks. I can do the same in SS and will teach him Roleplay, stop looking at me like that it is a very nice move. but I can't do that yet.) to SS once my cousin comes over, and using him for my second, Battle Frontier team. Other members incluse Astral, the shiny Poliwag, and Satchel the first-time-using-a-Nido-since-LeafGreen..Nido :v
    Jesus I went to another town in Costa Rica today (I'm leaving tomorrow Dx) and to get decent Wifi you need to plug in to the phone. :/
    PIP PIP PIP PIP malePip or FemPip? D'you remember the rest of your team? (Surprisignly I do, by name~)

    it is! You can summon 22802 words~ Although some are the same cause of DS card size, but I am forever and ever amused. Controls are a little wonky, but! <3

    ! I plan to buy the first two games in the "Pheonix Arc" first, then get Appolo Justice. Or if I can't find/do the former, I'll get Investigations~
    x3 Wha'd you start with? I has a torterra and I love her so.

    He(she? what gender is Ceiling Cat anyways?) watches over me in a level. Scribblenauts be chock fulla memes. And Chuluthu can fight anything.

    Yup! "Hey, thanks pal! How'd you know I had a sore throat? *chomp*" when you present a Magatama to him. (I present everything to everyone cause it's fun. "You still showing that thing around. A real man keeps his motuh shut...and carries a suave police badge, pal." <33)
    o bby <3

    Dis-Lodged is awesome possum :D

    <3 So cute.

    SS: eeee I just beat Clair (but aaa! Twins, don't tattle on me! ;-; srsly guys Clair sent me here it's okay why do you not believe me *cue fetal position*)

    Pt: I got my ass handed to me by Cynthia, but hey. a lever or three more and off again!

    Scribblenauts: Ceiling Cat is watching me fall, not wank.

    Ace Attorney: Gumshoe, stop eating my Magatama! D: and stop being so cute whie you're at it (also lol, fetal postion!Larry x3)
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